
Abuse Of Power In Animal Farm

Decent Essays

Animal farm is a thought provoking book which explores notions about society, respect, comradeship, humanity, social order, fairness, greed, the cyclical nature of society. Orwell describes that the novel is based on animals living a society where those who are in position of power can abuse their authority. As the power is an element of corruptibility. As both Napoleon and Snowball take position to gain authority. But Orwell also emphasizes that individuals can also be abused by power as they were blind to what was actually happening in their society.

Throughout the novel, the pigs attain power to corrupt the farm, and by the end of the novel, the pigs have manipulated the rest of the animals. Orwell illustrates that the animals decided to run the farm by themselves as it demonstrates animalism, but eventually the seven commandants, “All animals are equal” were broken by the pigs. “The pigs did not actually work, but directed and supervised the others. With their superior knowledge it was natural that they assume the leadership”, as this emphasises that the composer illustrates that the pigs uses their power to abuse and corrupt the animals. Therefore, the pigs use power to corrupt the animals to follow their agenda.

Orwell demonstrates that Napoleon greeds for power …show more content…

Snowball gains authority by the public, “at this Snowball sprang to his feet, and shouting down the sheep, who begun bleating again, broke into a passionate appeal in favour of the wind mill”, as this shows that Snowball wants the best for the animals and farm. But, Napoleon greeds for power and was jealous by the power that Snowball obtained, thus he decided to eliminate Snowball to take the position of power, “but just at this moment Napoleon stood up… heard him utter before”. Therefore, Orwell illustrates Napoleon whom greeds for power by manipulation plus is willing to eliminate anyone who dissidents his

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