HSC 024:principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care
Know how to recognise signs of abuse (1.1+1.2).
Physical abuse-
Deliberate use of force that results in bodily injury or pain.
Signs of physical abuse-
· Marks on body
· dont want to join in with others
· misuse of medication
· bruises
Sexual abuse-
Involvement in sexual activity without consent.
Signs of sexual abuse:
· Recurrent genital or urinary infections
· Abdominal pain
· Refusal to undress for activities
· Blood or marks on underwear
Emotional/Psychological abuse-
Any action that damages an individual 's mental wellbeing.
Signs of Emotional/Psychological abuse:
· lack of mental stimulation
· dont want to join in
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Social services have a legal responsility to support vulenrable adults.
Rebbeca Mell ]
Identify reports into serious failures to protect individuals from abuse(3.3.)
· Mounslow case. The failure of laocal authority to proect two adults with learning disabilities.
· Steven hoskins He was a very vulnerable man who was 'befriended ' by 5 people,the only local intervention was not to protect him but to tell him off for the noise.
· Michael gilbert There was no structor in place,also he was let down by the care sector .
Identitfy sources of information and advice about own role in safeguarding and protecting individuals from abuse (3.4)
· Line manage
· job description
· GSCC codes of practice
· training
· team meetings or supervision
· local safeguarding policy and procedures
· adult socail care services
· national occupational standers
ref- cape.2012 page 63
Rebbeca Mell
Explain how the likelihood of abuse may be reduced by:(4.1)
· working with person cetred values.
· encouraging active participation.
· promoting choice and rights.
The likelihood of abuse may be ruduced by working with person centred values,encouraging active participation and also promoting choise and rights.An exapmle of working with each person centre values is each person is an individual ands has there own needs,wishes
The main issues of public concern are centred on the abuse and neglect of vulnerable adults - whether they are elderly, people with disabilities, those suffering from dementia or other mental health problems.
D2 – evaluate the role of multi-agency working to reduce the risk of abuse of adults, with reference to legal frameworks, regulations, working strategies and procedures.
Another strategy that has been developed for dealing with challenging behaviour is person-centred planning. Person centred planning is used in a variety of health and social care setting with service users of all ages from cradle to grave. It is used in elderly care homes to provide the best care for that individual and within families that have children of different ages to help parents give children the best care possible and it is used for individuals with physical impairments such as Down’s Syndrome.
P5= Describe strategies and working practices used to minimise abuse. In this assignment i will be describing different strategies and working practices used in different health and social care settings to minimise abuse. Looking at different characteristics of abuse is the fundamental part in trying to minimise abuse. There are different types of strategies i will be describing the following six: Written and Oral Communications
Safeguarding vulnerable group act 2006 is an Act that protects vulnerable people from abuse. Legislation policies and procedures for safeguarding groups have made health and social care staff much more aware of what is regarded as abuse and how to identify that abuse may have occurred. This rule helps to know what to do and how to do it if you suspect any kind of maltreatment or abuse or if an individual tells you that they are being abused. (Stretch, Whitehouse, health and social care level 3 books 1 P105).
Physical: Physical abuse is deliberate physical force that may result in bodily injury, pain, or impairment. Both old and young people can be physically abused.
This assignment will discuss “Amie’s case study” and will explore some of the risks that she is exposed too and how they can have effect on her welfare. I will start by defining what is child safeguarding centred on the legislation framework of the Children Act 2004. I will also look on what is abuse and naming types of abuse, and establish the knowledge and understanding of Assessment Framework in Amie’s case. I will also look at multi-professional strategies that can provide help and protect Amie and her siblings according to legal legislation.
The aim of this assignment is to enable learners to understand the theoretical models of child abuse and consider the implications of each model. There are many theories about why people abuse children and who are more likely to abuse. These models aren’t rules or laws and they may have flaws. I will be comparing and writing about these flaws and also where the models have a point and backing these up with cases of child abuse which have been in the media. The models that I will be describing, comparing and evaluating are the Feminist Model, the Social learning theory,
There are two sides of abuse to every harmful relationship: the victim and the victimizer. This relationship can tend to put stress on someone in order to have them do something they wish not to do or experience an event they wish not to experience. This aspect represents the victim side of abuse. The person or oppression in the relationship that puts stress on another is the victimizer as this side of the relationship can attempt to force ill-will upon their targets. This is the forceful side of the destructive relationship and is always the root of the problem. The characters from Generation X, Less Than Zero, and Twelve undergo a series of harmful relationships that can be construed as a relationship between a victim and victimizer. Some of the characters from each book are the victimizers, while the others are the victims.
• As practitioners we should also get support. As practitioners this can become very stressful and upsetting for us when we are involved in a case of suspected abuse or actual abuse, so it is important that we can talk to others about this, but because of strict confidentiality you must not talk to anyone who does not need to know. Your Supervisor /manager/colleagues can help support you but remember again this information is confidential so only talk to other professionals that you can legally confide in. Your manager/supervisor will put you in touch with an outside professional that you can talk things over with. This is usually a Social worker or a person from the NSPCC.
D2 – evaluate the role of multi-agency working to reduce the risk of abuse of adults, with reference to legal frameworks, regulations, working strategies and procedures.
safeguarding, who a vulnerable adult is, different types of abuse, who may abuse, factors and
Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility, and includes measures to prevent or minimise the potential for abuse occurring. Protection is considered a statutory responsibility in response to individual cases where risk of harm has been identified
For us to be able to define abuse, I think we should look into the dictionary to see the meaning of the word ABUSE.