C. Academic and scholarship policies, programs and requirements for new members, members and leaders Each chapter is required to maintain academic standards equal to or higher than the university or college all-sorority average. Therefore, the Kappa chapter at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville will be expected to meet or exceed a 3.13 GPA, the fall 2016 all-sorority average on your campus. We expect every member of our chapter to positively contribute to this average. Position Statement: Academic Excellence
Kappa Kappa Gamma recognizes the value in striving for intellectual excellence and pursuing opportunities for self-growth. Each chapter is encouraged to foster scholastic excellence, actively support its members who encounter
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The Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation provides scholarships to undergraduate and graduate members. The first Kappa Kappa Gamma scholarship was established in 1902 with $100. In 2016, the Foundation awarded scholarships totaling $764,913, a 32 percent increase from the previous year. This continued growth in scholarship awards is a testament to our commitment to furthering members’ academic achievements.
For every new chapter colonized, the Foundation establishes a one-time scholarship and awards it to a member of the charter class. This is a legacy that we hope future alumnae of the new chapter will build upon. We’ve built our infrastructure around academic excellence, providing mentorship opportunities through the chapter’s Academic Excellence Committee. D. Leadership development programs, including any conferences presented or required annually Leadership development is an integral part of the Kappa experience and ensures that our members embrace the idea of women elevating women. Like SIUE, we want to integrate a global focus by instilling the values of integrity and excellence from the very beginning of each member’s Kappa journey. From day one, members are encouraged to explore leadership roles within their chapters, specifically through the chapter committee structure. Each member is assigned to a committee, creating a place for her to have a say in chapter operations. This is an opportunity
From a time when achievement was rare, and succeeding among minority was minuscule, a sense of order was needed. During this time Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Incorporated came into the world, bringing core values and achievement. Within the five objectives Kappa Alpha Psi showcases the distinction of itself from other fraternities. The founding fathers had the desire to shape a unique group personality different from the other greek letter college organizations, around the idea of achievement. When achievement was mainly concerned with improvement of personal status, security, and meeting the demands of everyday living the founders of the fraternity envisioned something bigger. Thus bringing about the Five Objectives that men of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Incorporated live by and exemplify on a day to day basis showcasing Achievement in every field of human endeavor.
As our year of service ends we were reflecting on the 4 Hallmarks of Phi Theta Kappa and have come to grasp a small understand of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Fellowship. The foundation of Phi Theta Kappa instills the traits through Leadership Development. The courses available to members will help each gain confidence as each learns what a leader truly is. Our advisors set the standards with continuously setting examples of leadership in their own lives. Members learn, not only from their examples, but from the development tools given when you become emerged in the learning process that is diverse, interdisciplinary approach such as 8 months of academic research, written papers, implementing a project that will have an effect not
Alpha Kappa Alpha, Sorority, Incorporated purpose is to be of service to all mankind dealing with critical issues in communities domestically and internationally. What I have grown to understand an envision a woman of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated to be, I accredit largely to the ladies of the Gamma Theta chapter. This has the result of attending many of the chapter’s events during my time at Hampton thus far. One of my favorite events was a screening of a documentary Girls Rising. I learned to appreciate every opportunity to learn and gain knowledge because in some parts of the world girls are restricted from receiving an education. A
The following is a sample of what Kappa Chapter’s Alumni Association accomplished with access to limited membership dues:
Building on a strong foundation, the chapter will work toward the four-star and five-star levels over time. Our aim is that the chapter is a four-star chapter by the end of year five of its establishment. Because we are mindful of over-programming and aware that academics should be a student’s first priority, chapters are expected to have no more than two events per week. With this in mind, we would work to meet the needs of the Five Star Program in conjunction with Kappa’s expectations for chapters. Below, we have outlined Kappa’s expectations for chapters that align with the standards within the categories of the Five Star Program. Scholarship
Section 3, continued 5. Criteria for chartering: To include minimum number of students pledged to establish a secure colony For our new chapter at Illinois State University, it is our goal to have a charter class of 145 members and average chapter size within one year of establishment. We are proud to say every new chapter has gone on to be installed. The expectations for the new chapter at ISU mirror the expectations Kappa Kappa Gamma has for each chapter. From the moment the new chapter is established, we expect the charter members to uphold the values and mission of our organization. All charter members will be expected to complete the New Member Experience in order to be Initiated. This is the same requirement for all new members
Chapter Development Please provide the following for three specific time periods: during colonization, for the first two years after chartering and in five to ten years: • Membership goals (recruitment numbers, GPA) • Community interaction and service projects • Campus involvement goals • Programming initiatives (educational/cultural/faculty) • Chapter and alumni board finances • Fundraising efforts • Impact on Greek and Austin Peay State University communities Kappa Kappa Gamma colonies are held to the same expectations and standards as our chapters. Once installed, the chapter will have key milestones related to succession planning and becoming fully operational. More detail will be provided in question five. Membership Goals
keyinfo keyinfo Section 3, continued Section 3, continued Below is a summary of the support and education offered to a new Kappa chapter. To learn more about how we support our new chapters, click here and view our Five-Year New Chapter Support Plan. Summary Table of Support and Education Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Support for New Chapters One to Two Resident Chapter Consultants One Based Chapter Consultant as Needed Leadership Consultant Visits Coordinator of Chapter Development Exiting New Chapters Chairman Chapter Advisory Board Extension Coordinator District Director and Content Specialists Fully Engaged Chapter Finance Department Creates and Facilitates Chapter Budget Chapter Training and Leadership Education Installation
adapt and change when things don't go according to plan.) Influencing others (Creating buy-in for a specific vision.) Partnering (Connecting with other chapters, with your advisor, with your Fraternity/Sorority advisor on campus, etc.)
Phi Theta Kappa is an international honor society for two-year college students. HCC's Omega Sigma chapter won four Hallmark Awards: Distinguished Honors in Action Theme; Distinguished Honors in Action Project; Distinguished Chapter; and Distinguished Chapter Sixth Place Finalist.
Our curriculums teach intellectual development, community responsibility, human dignity and so much more — everything you’d hope to gain from your experience in our organization. Through online learning opportunities, small group sessions and one-on-one meetings, you’ll learn Kappa’s core values and broaden your sorority
Meet Kappa [headline] We know one another. We just haven’t met yet. [subheadline] Hello Lakers: The women of Kappa Kappa Gamma aspire to be. It says so on our letterhead, our T-shirts, and most importantly, in our hearts. As an organization, we aspire to join your Greek-letter community. Thank you for considering us! We’ve done our homework. With more than 450 student organizations on campus, we know Grand Valley State University is filled with people who aspire to excellence in the classroom, on campus, in the community and beyond. We see students who fully immerse themselves in their collegiate journey — students who want a transformative experience. Like GVSU, Kappa is committed to helping each member meet her goals by providing
Kappa Kappa Gamma’s commitment to inspire women to be their best is second to none. We prepare our members for the future by offering a safe and supportive environment to learn life skills, become global citizens and gain firsthand knowledge of the satisfaction of making an impact. We offer connections through friendships, community partnerships and networking opportunities.
to hold only two events each week. This allows our members with the time to
My reason for becoming a literacy volunteer was much simpler. My Dad couldn’t read.” (Taken from ScholarshipHelp.org) The example above is successful because it entices the reader to read further by stating interesting facts, and leading them in to the rest of the story. Also, the author successfully introduces her main point: that she, inspired by her own father’s struggles with illiteracy, seeks to help others who are also illiterate. Body – Now it’s time to craft the bulk of your essay. This is where your outline will come in handy because it is a blueprint of what each paragraph of your body will address. Follow your outline, and be mindful of making transitions from paragraph to paragraph, so that your essay maintains a singular flow. Show your reader where they are going and why. You should try repeating prior thoughts, and connecting them to the next point. Avoid using such standard phrases as “Secondly” or “As a consequence” if possible. Example (of a transition): “Once I learned how to scale rocks on the artificial rock face, I needed to try out my skills on a real mountain.” (From ScholarshipHelp.org) Conclusion – Since most essays will generally be short in length, there is no need to summarize your entire piece in the conclusion. Rather, you