
Academic Success Or Effective Learning

Satisfactory Essays

The most significant factor contributing to an individual being well-educated is the desire to learn. Forcing higher education on an individual rarely produces the kind of success one sees from making a conscious and deliberate choice to be engaged in the experience. The level of learning engagement necessary is even better described as a thirst or craving for knowledge or skills. Unfortunately, not everyone chooses and hungers for new knowledge and increased skills in the way that breeds academic success or effective learning. These individuals are entirely content as remaining "prisoners in the cave" (Plato). Sustained individual educational success is only possible when one steps out of the “cave” and sees the figurative light of …show more content…

They continue along aimlessly, with little or no engagement, and as a result do not glean any benefit at all to their life from education. Success in school is primarily measured by grades. Many students focus on their grades more than they focus on actually learning. There are even students who are called "good students" by educators and peers, but only focus their energy on what it requires to achieve the best mark. It’s feasible to suggest that a student could retain very little true learning, but could still obtain straight A’s. This is not to say that the concept of grades is bad. Grades are necessary in motivating and holding students accountable. Likewise, grades provide instant feedback and create a scale for learning. However, in order for students to be well-educated, the desire to learn is essential regardless of what grades are assigned at the end of a grading period or semester. Typically a student who actually learns and understands the material, is going to make good grades anyhow, but grades are not as relevant to successful learning as are the core behaviors of comprehending and applying the material. Plato states, the "pouring in of knowledge" is not the best form of education. Instead, the best form of education involves learner engagement and meaningful application. This notion lines up nicely with ideas presented in John Newman 's "The Idea of a University."

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