
Acak's Perception Of Anxiety

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She is well-known on the internet as Zoella, but what she does not share with the world may be something her fans struggle with as well. She puts on a happy face and loves to laugh, but that is because that is usually all she lets us see. On a few occasions she has set up book signings for her books. When the crowds get rowdy Zoe gets scared. She tries to stay calm for her fans, but usually she has to leave. For instance, when her vehicle is surrounded by teenage girls she cannot leave, so she starts to cry. Zoe gets panic attacks because she has anxiety, and to her it is not something she takes lightly. Without knowing how anxiety feels, no one can truly understand what people with anxiety are going through. I experience anxiety more than …show more content…

Others suffering from anxiety see it as something that pushes people away because it gives off a distant feeling towards friends, which is not surprising considering most people with anxiety also suffer from depression. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for every invite I’ve declined, every time I’ve seemed irrational or nasty because I was overwhelmed or scared. I’m sorry for every time I’ve said I’d do something but then backed out. I’m sorry my anxiety hurts you, too.” Melissa Kapuszcak shows what people with anxiety mean when their friends think they are being distant. People that do not suffer from anxiety still have some anxiety in their lives, but it is not as extreme. Without telling them they will believe that anxiety is like nervous stress, which is somewhat true, but they do not know the specifics. To professionals, anxiety is “intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. Often, anxiety disorders involve repeated episodes of sudden feelings of intense anxiety and fear or terror that reach a peak within minutes (panic attacks).” People that work at the Mayo Clinic have defined anxiety as persistent worry to everyday things that can spike in minutes, which would differ from the normal episode’s people without anxiety would get. Sometimes anxiety can differ in a person depending on the …show more content…

To control my anxiety, I do whatever I think would help. When I wake up the morning of a presentation I try to calm myself. For example, I tell myself that the presentation is going to be fine, or if it is near the end of the day I will tell myself that it is not until later, so I do not need to worry about it right now. It usually helps to do this, but when I was younger I could not do it myself. My mom used to tell me these things and it would calm my nerves somewhat. I eventually picked up on how to believe myself when I try it on my own and now I can keep myself calm. If that does not work I tell others, such as my mom or friends, and they usually help. It may be really annoying to them to hear me complain about how I really do not want to do a presentation, or how I am scared because it is mentioned constantly. When none of this works I try to take matters into my own hands. If I am able to control the situation, such as a presentation, I try to get it done as soon as possible. I do things like these because to me it means that the situation will be over sooner and the sooner the better, especially with

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