
Acc 423 Week 4 Wileyplus Assignment - Exercises

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ACC 423 Week 4 WileyPlus Assignment - Exercises
Business - Accounting

E19-6 (Identify Temporary or Permanent Differences)
Listed below are items that are commonly accounted for differently for financial reporting purposes than they are for tax purposes.

For each item below, indicate whether it involves:
(1) A temporary difference that will result in future deductible amounts and, therefore, will usually give rise to a deferred income tax asset.
(2) A temporary difference that will result in future taxable amounts and, therefore, will usually give rise to a deferred income tax liability.
(3) A …show more content…

These losses are tax deductible in the period(s) when the related liabilities are settled.

(k) 1 Expenses on stock options are accrued for financial reporting purposes.

E19-9 Carryback and Carryforward of NOL, No Valuation Account, No Temporary Differences)
The pretax financial income(or loss) figures for Synergetics Company are as follows.
2006 $160,000
2007 250,000
2008 90,000
2009 (160,000)
2010 (350,000)
2011 120,000
2012 100,000

Pretax financial income (or loss) and taxable income (loss) were the same for all years involved. Assume a 45% tax rate for 2006 and 2007 and a 40% tax rate for the remaining years.
Prepare the journal entries for the years 2008 to 2012 to record income tax expense and the effects of the net operating loss carrybacks and carryforwards assuming Synergetics Company uses the carryback provision. All income and losses relate to normal operations.( In recording the benefits of a loss carryforward, assume that no valuation account is deemed necessary.)

P19-1 (Three Differences, No Beginning Deferred Taxes, Multiple Rates)
The following information is available for Remmers Corporation for 2010.
1. Depreciation reported on the tax return exceeded depreciation reported on the income statement by $120,000. This difference will reverse in equal amounts of $30,000 over the years 2011-2014.
2. Interest received on municipal bonds was $10,000.
3. Rent collected in advance on January 1, 2010, totaled $60,000

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