
Acceleration Lab

Decent Essays

Purpose: Analyze how Distance, Velocity, Acceleration are related and experimentally determine Acceleration due to Gravity.

Background: The clicker speed in different countries vary because of differing voltage. It can be visually observed with the dots on the carbon strip how fast you have pulled it. When the dots are close to each other on the carbon paper means that you pulled the strip slowly. When the dots are spaced far apart from each other this shows that you pulled the strip fast. During the experiment, Gravity played an important role in accelerating the fall of the weight. The force and acceleration of earth’s gravity is 980cm/s/s.
Clicker, Acceleration, Gravity

Variables: Independent: Time Dependent: Distance, Velocity, Acceleration Constant: Acceleration, Weight, Length of Carbon Paper

Hypothesis: If the time it takes for an object to fall increases, then the distance it takes for the object will exponentially increase, the speed will increase linearly, and the acceleration will remain constant without a slope, because the gravitational force of earth is 980cm/s/s …show more content…

One factor that may have impacted my results was the friction between the clicker and the carbon paper. Although the clicker is extremely fast, I noticed that when I released the weight is was slowing the decline of the weight. If the clicker rapidly clicked the carbon paper, it may not decline regularly, therefore losing some of the acceleration it might have reached. A second factor that may have impacted my results was how I recorded my results. As the investigation continued, I realized that the interval between some group of dots were really close to each other. The reason of these really close dots are because of the impediment of the decline of the weight. If the interval between each dot is very small it might cause the measurement of inaccurate results, therefore skewing the

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