
Access Of Mental Health Care

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Access to Mental Health Care Headlines worldwide will read of another " School Shooting" because of a mentally ill person before long. Extra security and drills have placed a Band-Aid on the problem, but this kind of wound needs to be fixed at its source. Access to mental health care is seriously lacking in this country and it is because of the stigma that surrounds mental illnesses which causes people to stray away from treatment. There are not enough mental health care physicians in any given area, and even if there was it cost too much because of the unequal division of government funding. Lives will continue to be lost as long as these problems regarding access to mental health care remain. Mental illness is a taboo subject in our society. It is something that too often gets overlooked because these types of ailments " do not bleed ". The negative stigma that surrounds mental illnesses prevents access to care for those in need because either themselves or those around them don’t want to believe that they have one. Mental illnesses are not seen in the same light as a common cold or the chicken pox. If someone have a mental illness, they are seen as broken and potentially unstable. Look at all of the horror movies that surround insane asylums, or people with schizophrenia who are cast as psychopathic murders. It 's no surprise that mental illness has become something that people are in denial for or want to be kept hidden. And its not just the media that is

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