According to Ruiz, it is important to be impeccable with your word. Impeccability of the word will manifest you in wonderful ways. Being impeccable with your word you will start to love yourself. Also, being impeccable with your word you can end fear and also, you won’t receive emotional poison.
When you are impeccable with your word you could start loving yourself. Most of the time we judge ourselves by putting these negative thoughts and falling into a melancholy state. We tend to have self hate and we use it against others to make them hate themselves too. According to Ruiz, “ Oh, I look fat, I look ugly. I’m getting old old, I’m losing my hair. I’m stupid, I never understand anything. I will never be good enough, and I’m never going to be perfect ” (Ruiz,42). You will have self-love and you won’t let yourself be unhappy because you will be impeccable with your word.
Zaragoza 2
By being impeccable with your word you will not get black magic or put spells on someone else. Usually humans tend to spread fear by using words that will scare us or make us doubt about our opinions. If a fear is planted on our mind we could create many event that involves drama; some of our minds are not that fertile and prepared to receive love. According to Ruiz,
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People tend to tell you bad things about others and you will believe them. Then you will have that same opinion about others, just because they told you. When a person gives you this opinion about how she/he felt about someone, you will also think the same and assume they are right about them. According to Ruiz, “ On the first day of class, you run into someone who took the class before, who tells you, “ Oh that instructor was such a pompous jerk! He didn’t know what he was talking about, and he was a pervert too, so watch out!” (Ruiz,39). You won’t receive any emotional poison because you will be impeccable with your
The opinions that you revived from people good or bad, can leave an imprint in your brain
Well, the word “impeccable” comes from Latin, where “im” means without, and “peccable” means sin. Being impeccable with your word means speaking without sin. Note: Ruiz explicitly states this does NOT mean speaking with honesty, or integrity, because those concepts come from the “outside elements” such as cultural, moral, or religious views. Ruiz states that only you can tell when your word is impeccable, no one else. Oftentimes, you won’t know if your word was impeccable or not until long after something is said or a choice has been made. Ruiz does not want fear, shaming, or gossiping to poison the mind. Instead he prefers love, which includes loving yourself. He mentions that the whole epidemic of self judgement, or self criticism is one of the biggest challenges a domesticated human could face. He says this because nine times out of ten, a human has grown around people constantly judging them. He makes it clear to the reader that they are perfect the way they are and perfect in the areas where they are not. No matter what anyone
To be impeccable with my word is to speak out of honesty and love. This is one of the most difficult agreements to follow but is the one that magnifies extraordinary results when achieved. Even if I have failed to accomplish this first agreement on any previous day, I have now learned to leave the past in the past and focus on the present by starting over and being impeccable with my word. In addition to this, I also now view my words in two categories, the power to heal or the power to harm. It is not righteous in my eyes to be impeccable with my word by speaking with Integrity if everything I’m saying is creating harm to others or me. Honoring the agreement to ‘Be Impeccable With Your Word’ can give me that moment to pause and ask myself if what I’m about to say will be healing or harmful. Angry and cruel words can be the hardest to retrieve and can have the longest regret attached. If I am dedicated to live my life with Love as my foundation,
In the four agreements chapter one , Don Miguel introduces us with 3 topics that relate to us in many ways. The first topic he covers is about “ be impeccable with your word”. Impeccable meaning the behavior of our voice. Don Miguel, discusses about god gave humans the power to use the “word”. God gave us a voice to speak in this world that we live in.
People should educate themselves on another person’s character and personality before forming an opinion about them. In the modern era, people are so quick to judge others and decide whether they admire that someone based on a first impression or preconceived notion. The ramifications of this are sometimes irreversible.
own mind," Emerson uses the word integrity as a means of doing the right thing. The maxim urges that
Respect God and His plans for your life by practicing the little details of excellence, quality, and honesty, and your character will increase with your good
Unspoken words are harmless until they are spoken. One can think anything that he/she that comes into their mind; however, no one will ever know what they are thinking. It is impossible to read minds; therefore, no one can judge anyone based on what they know, their thoughts, and what they believe. In fact, this is stated in John Ruskin’s quote: “What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do.”
Interaction with people affects human beings in different ways, and it could be an individual with good intentions making wrong decisions based on unconscious processes working in the mind towards a biased state. The capacity to deal with interpersonal relationships is hampered leading to lack of what is known as emotional intelligence.
The Nevado Del Ruiz Volcano eruption was one of the most devastating events in the 20th century.The Nevado del Ruiz (located in Armero, Colombia) volcano eruption occurred on November 13, 1985. Armero, Colombia is located in the province of Tolima. The population at the time of the disaster was 31,000.The Volcano has erupted a couple times before the disaster one in 1595 it killed 636 people and another one in 1845 costing about 1,000 people lives.After the Nevado Del Ruiz event the volcano erupted a couple times after it, in 1991 and 1992.Because the Colombian government did not take the warnings from scientists seriously, the Nevado del Ruiz eruption cost many lives.
Have you ever experienced a time when your parents called you a genius and you truly felt like one? How about when a professor pointed fingers at you because he thought you were cheating on a test? Most certainly you felt some type of shame or guilt; or probably got so tired of your colleagues negative thoughts that you decided to embrace it and just go along with it. These are just a few examples of the impact that people’s opinions or thoughts can have on your reputation. Think for a second about the Stanford Prison Experiment, which demonstrates the influential role that a situation can play in human behavior. The individuals chosen to perform as guards were placed in a position of power and thus they began
When we say “love yourself”, it’s often in response to someone spilling their guts revealing their shortcomings and fears. First of all, let me say that I don’t think people mean to be trite or cliche when they deliver the phrase, but that is often the result. It is at best, insulting and frustrating to the listener (who probably already has immense insecurities). It’s like (to quote Taylor Swift) trying to fix a bullet wound with a Band-Aid. It’s so incapable of doing any real good it’s laughable. I don’t know that loving yourself is bad advice, but I think it’s incomplete. It’d be like giving someone a mathematic equation, with
A person of integrity does exactly what he says and says exactly what he means. There is no conflict between his thoughts and actions. His actions are consistent with the values he professes. According to Dr. William Manninger, A building without integrity may receive structural damage, or even collapse, in a storm. Similarly, people without integrity are blown about by the winds of misfortune and destroyed by catastrophes, for they lack the firmness, solidity, and strength of character to weather any storm. This means that integrity is one of the six essential qualities that are the key to success.
Self esteem thrives in a nurturing enviorment. We will know and believe that we are loveable if, and only if, we are loved and nurtured by our parents.
Years ago I read a passage in a book by: “Louise L. Hay” she said; every morning you can get up and look in the mirror and decide what kind of day you are going to have.” The beauty of it is, you can get up the following morning and decide all over again. This is a powerful statement, letting us know we have the power to control our feelings and shape our outlook on life. If you are telling yourself positive things, it will help you build a positive self-esteem.