The objective of this experiment was to record electromyograms of the Achilles tendon and use this information to determine the time between when the tendon stretches and when the motor impulse will arrive at the muscle. Using this information, the conduction velocities and times will be calculated and compared with different stimulus strengths.
Skeletal muscles are muscles that are attached to the bones via collagen fibers known as tendons (Bhatnagar, 2002). When a tendon is stretched, it will allow a muscle to twitch and cause movement (Rhoades and Bell, 2013). This tendon is attached to the muscle and will send signals from a single synapse to the motor neurons of the body (Rhoades and Bell, 2013). When it reaches the motor neurons, it will cause a depolarization and contraction of the muscle will occur (Rhoades and Bell, 2013). To do this, there are help from specialized receptors in the muscle called muscle spindles (Bhatnagar, 2002).
First off, muscles are made up of extrafusal and intrafusal fibers (Bhatnagar,
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This reflex has a short delay between the actual stretching of the muscles and when the reflex contraction occurs because of the monosynaptic pathway (Kam and Power, 2015). The monosynaptic pathway is the simplest reflex where there is only a single synapse between two different neurons (Alters, 2000). There is a sensory afferent neuron and an efferent somatic motor neuron present (Alters, 2000). When a receptor detects an internal or external stimuli from a receptor cell, this information will be sent to the sensory neuron which will convey the information to the brain or spinal cord (Alters, 2000). Then, it will move on to the motor neuron which will conduct the motor output and send it to the effector, which would be the muscle (Alters, 2000). When it reaches the muscle, a response will occur producing a
A simple spinal reflex is a reflex—involuntary, graded, patterned response to a stimulus—that is produced via a single synapse between sensory axons and motor neurons and confined to the spinal cord. In this experiment, two simple spinal reflexes—the myotactic reflex and the H-reflex—were stimulated. We compared a) the latency period—the amount of time between a stimulus and the effector response— and the amplitude—magnitude of an electrical signal—of each reflex; then, b) the effect of the Jendrassik Maneuver (JM) upon the latency period and amplitude of each respective reflex. For the myotactic response, a mechanical stimulus, a sharp strike of the patellar tendon, was utilized to elicit a signal in stretch receptors; however, to trigger the H-reflex, an electrical impulse was applied. These reflexes originate from an action potential produced by a sensory neuron when a stimulus is applied. Sensory neurons transmit the action potentials to an integrating center—the spinal cord—where a response is determined. Then, this response is taken back to the effector organ via motor neurons. The reflex occurs while the brain is becoming aware of the stimulus. Furthermore, the myotactic reflex is
Encyclopedia of Nursing & Allied Health. Bioelectricity: Transmission of nerve impulses to muscle. Retrieved on 26 June 2011 from
Achilles’ Tendon is the name of a bone in the back of the human leg, and its name comes from the only part of Achilles’ body that was a weak spot.
The axon transmits a chemical signal through a neurotransmitter, then the synapse which is located between the nerve and muscle cell called a neuromuscular junction. When released it connects with a receptor protein called the motor end plate which allows the muscles to move.
Our body consists of many tendons that attach bone to muscle. These tendons may become overused overtime causing inflammation or irritation. When tendons become inflamed or irritated it can be very painful. This type of injury is known as tendonitis.
The neuromuscular junction is where the nerve meets our muscles. To be able to move, we would need an impulse sent from our brain to our muscles. The nerve impulse gets sent to our muscles from the CNS, which leads to our muscles contracting. The nervous impulse that’s sent to the CNS is called the action potential, the impulse that sends a signal to our muscles is known as the motor neurones. For our muscles to contract we need a nervous impulse, the end of our nerves are called the synaptic knob, this hits the vesicles and releases acetylcholine. The acetylcholine then goes through the cleft (the gap between the synaptic knob and the muscle) and tells the muscles to contract, if it doesn’t go through the cleft our muscles will not contract, this is
When a patient experiences Achilles tendinopathy what typically tends to occur is that the tendon starts to get thick, becomes uneven and gets a brownish looking color. Upon examination of the tissue, it shows that there are no macrophages (a large cell that forms as a white blood cell, seen during the times of infections), no neutrophils (stained white blood cells) or even other inflammatory cells. So what actually happens? Tenocytes are cells that make up a strong tendon. The tenocytes happen to have an irregular shape and a higher chance of dying. (Li & Hua, 2016, pg. 2). When the Achilles tendinopathy is chronic, there are major changes that occur within the collagen fibers. In the article by Li and Hua they state that the changes that
ction of the muscle is caused by the excitement of muscle spindles whenthe muscle is stretched. This is known as the stretch (myotatic) reflex. The monosynapticpathway causes only a slight delay between the muscle stretching reflex and the reflexcontraction. There are no interneurons. The spindles and sensory afferent nerves, from thespindles, synapse directly with motor neurons. The pathway that is created constitutes shortestpossible reflex
Neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is the functional contact (synapse) between an axon of motor neuron and its all enveloped muscle fibers, where chemical transmission of electrical signal from motor neuron to muscle fiber occurs, ultimately causing the muscle to contract. In based on extensive data that is received from numerous studies, varying synaptically active molecules are released in the neuromuscular synapse(). With regard to the heterogeneity of skeletal muscle in the fiber types, it is enables to fulfill different types of function. These various functions are controlled by motor units and signaling pathways(). In recent years, the importance of different exercise and exercise training has been interested by investigators in the morphological,
is the back portion muscle of the lower leg. The muscle group’s structure consists of two main muscles (Gastrocnemius and Soleus).
In order to effectively study the mechanics of the frog muscle contraction, it is important to understand the physiology of that particular muscle. The gastrocnemius muscle of the frog is attached to the heel bone by the Achilles tendon and runs up the tibiofibular bone to the knee. The calf muscle is an example of a muscle tissue type known as skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscle is capable of contracting because of the proteins actin and myosin binding together, pulling the muscle. This process begins with the body receiving a stimulus. That stimulus is transferred into action potentials that travel to the muscle via the motor neuron attached to the muscle fiber. These action potentials initiate the release of Calcium in the axon terminal of
Acute Sinusitis occurs when there is an inflammation or bacterial infections in the paranasal sinuses. The patient above is deemed to suffer from the infection, since the disease’s symptoms are considered to appear in less than four weeks. Such symptoms further tend to be fever fluctuations, breathing difficulties, and joint pains. Specifically, the symptoms of the disease appear between ten days and the fourth week after contraction. For the patient’s case, she states that she experienced the symptoms in a span of two weeks, which ensued after contraction of a sore throat and high fever some months back.
There are many steps involved in muscle contraction. The first being where the action potential starts in the brain and travels to the muscle where it meets at the neuromuscular junction. This is where a chemical synapse is formed. The motor neuron from the brain connects with the muscle fiber. Acetylcholine is a chemical neurotransmitter used at the neuromuscular junction that the motor neurons of the nervous system release in order to activate muscles causing contraction. There are diseases that wreak havoc on the connection at the neuromuscular junction; tetanus, botulism, and myasthenia gravis.
The skeletal muscles supplies us movement, which is supported by the posture. Our muscles will shorten, tighten, contract, and promote mobility. The muscles join with bones that attach to the tendons. Once the muscles begin contracting, the muscles are stimulated and join the fibers through our motor neuron cells. The nerves makeup axon, body of cells, dendrites, etc, and these elements transmit impulses to the nerves, sending the impulses to the major components of our system, such as Central Nerve System. The network joins with cells, fibers, muscles, etc, and conveys messages, transmitting them through sensations that stop at the brain. The brain transmits signals that are sent from motor impulses and carries onto
The time needed to perceive a sensory input and then formulate a response is influenced by several factors. The multifaceted nature of transforming the detected stimulus into an electrical signal that can be communicated by the means of action potentials, the quantity of neural synapses before the impulse is derived to the cortex, and the length the signal must travel before arriving at the cortex are all factors that influence this process. We can observe these effects by using two push buttons, a reflex hammer, a goniometer with straps, and the Jendrassik maneuver. In addition, we can gain insight into how a motor response can be generated without first being communicated to the cortex by pairing the patella tendon stretch