
Achondrogenesis: Abnormalities In The Skeletal System

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Achondrogenesis is an unusual genetic disorder. Achondrogenesis causes a person to have a short trunk, small limbs, and a narrow chest. When there is not enough growth hormone(GH) produced in one’s body, this disease will occur. Due to this disorder, bones and cartilage do not properly develop, which cause severe abnormalities in the skeletal system.

There are three types of achondrogenesis. In all three types narrow chest and short limbs are all common. Symptoms for Type 1A achondrogenesis is soft skull bone, poorly formed pelvic and spinal bones, and short and easily breakable ribs. Though the signs of achondrogenesis will be apparent to the human eye, x-rays can be done to examine the bones to make certain the child suffers from this rare

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