In this lab the effect of changing the pH of water that leaf disks were submerged into to find the effect on the ET50 time of plants. The hypothesis was that if the pH is closer to a normal water pH than the ET50 time will be the smallest. This lab was conducted to see what different variables change the amount of time needed for photosynthesis to occur(ET50) . This is important because of acid rain being present in the world with climate change and the effect it can have on plants which has large tolls. Previous studies have shown that acid rain and a change in pH can have damaging effects on plants. One study, showed that, acid rain destroyed the chloroplast of soybeans the location of photosynthesis in plants which disrupted photosynthesis
Acidity of an ecosystem, measured in pH, is a crucial factor to the survival of a species in an ecosystem. Altering it can have result in dramatically negative effects, in spite of the fact that pH of an ecosystem has been dramatically changed over a relatively short period of time due to various human activities. For example, acid rain is a major environmental problem that is caused by human-made pollution. When fossil fuels are burnt to get energy, pollutants like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides get mixed into the rainwater and eventually are evaporated into the atmosphere. These gases enter the atmosphere, and mix with water in the water cycle to form an acidic mixture of water and gases. This water falls in the form of acid rain, which
The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the effects of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis in a Moneywort plant. By observing the plant in distilled water mixed with sodium bicarbonate, different light bulbs were targeted onto the plant. The measurement of the amount of bubbles present on the plant during the trial of the experiment enabled us to identify the comparisons between the activity of the light and the process of photosynthesis.
Abstract: Photosynthesis, the conversion of inorganic carbon into organic glucose molecules using light energy, is one of the most biologically important processes on Earth. It is imperative to study how the rapidly increasing carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution may affect photosynthesis of photoautotrophs. In this experiment, a look is taken at the question: does inorganic carbon availability affect photosynthetic activity. This experiment uses bicarbonate as the inorganic carbon source, and analyzes how varying concentrations of bicarbonate may affect the photosynthetic activity of the South American aquatic plant Egeria densa (also known as Elodea densa) by measuring its O2 production in distilled water and 0.1%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8%, and 1.0% sodium bicarbonate solutions. T-tests between the control (distilled water) and each bicarbonate treatment are conducted using the online program GraphPad. All tests results in a p-value greater than 0.05 and a calculated t-value greater than the critical t-value, thus rejecting the null hypothesis, indicating that inorganic
The effects of 1ml. Of acid rain on Wisconsin fast plants. How 1ml. Of acid rain will affect the growth of the plants. If the acid rain will make the plants grow shorter or taller, or if they will grow more or less flowers. Also if the acid rain will affect the weight of our plant and how many seeds it will produce.
The rate of photosynthesis is affected by environmental factors like light intensity, light wavelength, and temperature. This experiment will test the
In 1975, seemingly absurd predictions made in Rachel’s Carlson Silent Spring (1962) on human health and ecosystem hazards caused by DDT materialized in our James River, Virginia. Irresponsible chemical disposure from Life Science Products made workers ill from neurotoxin exposure, suffering from symptoms of nosebleeds, headaches, chest pains, and dizziness from neurotoxin exposure (Goldfarb, William). Ecosystem was destroyed animals leaving the area with 200,000 pounds of Kepone found on almost all land surfaces, and parts of the river (Wilson, Sarah).
The purpose of this lab is to observe the effect of white, green, and dark light on a photosynthetic plant using a volumeter and followed by the calculation of the net oxygen production using different wavelengths color of white and green light, and also the calculation of oxygen consumption under a dark environment, and finally the calculation of the gross oxygen production.
Duckweed is a small aquatic plant that is able to grow rapidly, making it the ideal specimen for our experiment. It is hypothesized that altering the amount of light received by duckweed will alter its photosynthetic rate. It is predicted that a lower light intensity will lower the rate of growth in duckweed.
Soil, which is the layer of earth on the top where plants and vegetation grow, contains a pH balance, everything does. The pH, acidity, or alkalinity balance of each type of soil that is being observed can affect the plants, because it determines how many nutrients are being deposited to them. It
This experiment demonstrates the effects of pH on the rate of photosynthesis by examining the behavior of leaf disks in different pH solutions under light. In this experiment, we used five different pH levels: pH 5, pH 6, pH 7, pH 8 and pH 9. These solutions were created using a combination of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide. Spinancia olcerea or spinach, leaves were used in the experiment to examine the effects of pH on the rate of photosynthesis. The rate of photosynthesis was measured by counting the number of leaf disks that rose to the surface of the solution after each minute. In acidic solutions, the rate of photosynthesis increased while in basic solutions, the rate of photosynthesis decreased.
Stories throughout time have often illustrated a type of evil. Most often, the root of evil is money. “The Pardoner’s Tale”, a story that is part of the Canterbury Tales written by Geoffrey Chaucer, clearly demonstrates that money is the root of all evil. The exemplum tells the story of three rioters who are on the search for a criminal named Death who murdered their friend. However, on their way to find him, they discover gold that they believe is rewarding. Unfortunately, things do not turn out the way they had hoped when the rioters turn their back on each other. Eventually, all three men find Death. This tale is notably ironic because the Pardoner is a man of the Church, yet he sells fake relics to others, including the pilgrims. Although
Morals, a person's standards of behaviors or beliefs concerning what's not acceptable for them not to do. Two words that stick out of them the most ofthat definition is concerning and acceptable. Because morals are based on peoples beliefs on what is right or wrong and even though some laws do follow morals, however, some laws are unjust and breaking them is morally correct.
Introduction: Photosynthesis can be defined as a solar powered process that removes atmospheric carbon dioxide and transforms it into oxygen and carbohydrates (Harris-Haller 2014). Photosynthesis can be considered to be the most important biochemical process on Earth because it helps plants to grow its roots, leaves, and fruits, and plants serve as autotrophs which are crucial to the food chain on earth. Several factors determine the process of photosynthesis. Light is one these factors and is the main subject of this experiment. The intensity of light is a property of light that is important for photosynthesis to occur. Brighter light causes more light to touch the surface of the plant which increases the rate of photosynthesis (Speer 1997). This is why there is a tendency of higher rates of photosynthesis in climates with a lot of sunlight than areas that primarily do not get as much sunlight. Light wavelength is also a property of
Acid rain also soaks into ground and dissolves nutrients from the soil. When the plants call upon these nutrients to grow, the absence kills the vegetation. Over a short period of time plants begin
All plants are subjected to a multitude of stresses throughout their life cycle. Depending on the species of plant and the source of the stress, the plant will respond in different ways. When a certain tolerance level is reached, the plant will eventually die. When the plants in question are crop plants, then a problem arises. The two major environmental factors that currently reduce plant productivity are drought and salinity (Serrano, 1999), and these stresses cause similar reactions in plants due to water stress. These environmental concerns affect plants more than is commonly thought. For example, disease and insect loss typically decrease crop yields by less than ten percent, but severe