
Active And Passive Euthanasia Summary

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In “Active and Passive Euthanasia”, James Rachels argues that, morally, active and passive euthanasia are the same. Rachels’ strongest argument for this claim is that killing is not worse then letting one die. Since active euthanasia is killing and passive euthanasia is letting one die, morally active and passive euthanasia are the same (Rachels, 1997). I intend to argue that this argument fails because factors such as intent and cause of death play a role in passive and active euthanasia and when these factors are present it can be said that active and passive euthanasia are not the same and in fact active euthanasia is morally worse then passive euthanasia.
In “Active and Passive Euthanasia” James Rachels believes that neither passive nor …show more content…

The case study Rachels uses to develop this argument further is that of Smith and Jones. Two men, Smith and Jones, each stand to inherit a large sum if anything where to happen to either of their younger cousins, respectively. In Smiths case he sneaks into the bathroom as his cousin is in the bath and Smith proceeds to drown him making it look like an accident. In Jones’ case he plans to sneak into the bathroom and drown his cousin but when he gets into the bathroom he sees his cousin hit his head as he slips getting into the bath and precedes to drown, Jones stands by and does nothing. In both cases the cousin dies, in Smiths case the cousin was killed whereas in Jones case he let his cousin die (Rachels, 1997). Rachels argues that in both cases the men were morally wrong and therefore killing and letting one die are morally the same drawing the comparison to active and passive euthanasia and stating that those too are morally the same. Ultimately Rachels argument can be broken down like …show more content…

In active euthanasia the intent is to cause immediate death whereas in passive euthanasia the intent is to allow physiology to take its course and not interfere with the dying process. Therefor giving a different cause for death such as killing versus letting one die. In that of active euthanasia, the doctor is solely responsible for causing death, whereas in the passive euthanasia, physiology is responsible for causing death and the lack of actions of the doctor did not aid or hinder this process. If the intent and cause of death are not the same, morally they cannot be the same. Morally, it is not wrong to allow the dying process to occur, in fact it is permissible, what is wrong to intervene with the course of nature and hasten this process. Therefore morally, active euthanasia is worse then passive

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