
Acts Of Thecla Analysis

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Two places in the Acts of Thecla where a character is dealing with a Roman imperial authority is when Paul speaking in the house of Onesiphoros and thamyris who is advised by Demas and Hermogenes to “escort him to governor Castellius and accuse him of seducing the crowds by teaching Christian frivolity. In this way he will be put to death and as for you, you will have Thecla for your wife. And we will teach you that this resurrection, which this man says is the future, has already happened through the children that we have, and that we rise by acknowledging the true God”(14). Even though Paul is not dealing with resistance directly in this passage but it shows certain members resistance to acknowledge Paul as a man of god and it discourages …show more content…

Paul is urging people to recognize that “Rome’s power is not in ordered according to God’s purposes” (Carter, 87). He is also urges people to worship the true God. Paul saying, “Since today I have to give an account of my teaching, listen, proconsul. The living God, the God of chastisement, the God who is self-sufficient but who desires the salvation of humans, sent me to wrest them from corruption, impurity, every desire and death, so that they might no longer sin; it is because God sent his own Son that I proclaim and I teach that men have in him their hope, in him who alone had pity on the world gone astray, so that men no longer fall under the blow of judgment, but who receive faith and fear of God, knowledge of sanctity and love of truth. If then I teach that which has been revealed to me by God, in what way am I wrong, proconsul?”(17). According to Carter (86) “Paul’s gospel and communities present a significant theological challenge to Rome’s claim. Fundamental to his gospel is that there is one God

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