
Adam And Eve, The Flood, Abraham And Esau

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Human Situation Lecture Paper Rough Draft Although God makes seemingly unfair choices in the cases of Adam and Eve, the flood, Abraham and Isaac, and Jacob and Esau, these unfair decisions are still justified because they serve God’s greater purpose of creating the Israelites. God’s first decision that is unfair but still just was his judgement of Adam and Eve. Although Eve was the first to eat from the tree of knowledge, when she “gave some to [Adam]” she neither persuades or forces him to eat as well. He actively made a decision to eat the fruit even though God gave him the direct message “not to eat of [the tree] or touch of it” (3.3). This would indicate that Adam is at least somewhat responsible for his own part in disobeying God. Even though Adam does deserve some punishment, he decides to shift all of the blame onto Eve who then shifts all of her blame onto the serpent. It is unfair that the serpent is unable to defend himself at all but it …show more content…

God flooded the Earth because it had become “corrupt [and] filled with lawlessness” (6.11). He used this flood as a tool for starting over because he “regretted that He had made man on earth” (6.6). God’s first covenant with man after the flood shows that the flood served a larger purpose of creating a more conscientious mankind. God states as part of his first covenant that “[he] will require a reckoning for human life” the word “reckoning” implies the God wants all humans to value each other’s lives. Additionally, God states “whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed” (9.6) meaning, if one person harms another then they themselves will be killed in retribution. This exemplifies God establishing the rules for a better and more just world after the

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