Adam Morris
Ms. Scannell
English III
March 3, 2017
Global Warming Little Jimmy is riding his bike to school wearing an oxygen mask because of the amount of pollution in the air. As he is riding he sees no plants or animals along the way and is heartbroken without color in his life. The only color he sees is the black sky that covers his city. The Earth has been affected by many factors in the past century. One of the biggest problems that the planet has had is pollution. Although some say that global warming is a myth and will never become a problem, it is already having a negative effect on Earth. The Earth’s atmosphere is being polluted causing global warming to affect the plants and animals. Global warming can be slowed if we
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“Factories produce tons of emissions each day, but much of the emissions stay in the city and produce smog” (Global Warming 101). Smog is a combination of atmospheric pollutants and fog. This can cause health issues and if concentrated enough can kill people. “Carbon dioxide can also last for over a century before it dissipates” (Global Warming 101). With more pollutants being emitted into the atmosphere, global warming may never be slowed. Earth’s environment is affected everyday by pollution. People must make changes in order for global warming to be slowed. People causing pollution are the largest factor in the climate change. Plants and animals are the most affected by the climate change. “The change has mostly consisted of humans emitting dangerous gases into the atmosphere causing global warming.” (Confronting the Realities of Climate Change). With the Earth’s average temperature rising, many animals and plants are being forced to adapt. The forcing of adaptations is also causing different species to slowly die and eventually they will become extinct. The extreme change in climate has happened before to the dinosaurs. When the dinosaurs roamed the Earth, they lived in a widely tropical climate. Once the climate began to rapidly cool, the cold-blooded reptiles did not have enough time to adapt to the change. People have also stated because the dinosaurs became extinct naturally that this is just a cycle but it is not. The
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Ever since the days of Mesopotamia from the agricultural revolution, war has been a constant and important part of human life. Over time though, humans have evolved and gotten stronger and smarter which lead to more competition. War from its beginning, has consistently stemmed from the innate sense of evolutionary survival and subsequent competition, thus securing it’s inevitable perpetuation.
Global Warming is a raising issue, that if it is not brought to be resolved, then planet Earth has the potential to face many consequences. Each year in the 21st century it has been recorded that the years are the hottest.
There are many different topics in the world that split people’s opinions. Some stronger than others. These views and opinions are often swayed by one’s political views, and one of the biggest topics that sparks controversy are the rights of all people. Some of the bigger groups are Black Lives Matter and feminists. While these are very big and prominent, the one that sparks the most controversy is the LGBT community, and one of the biggest claims they make is that they don’t have the same rights of marriage as straight people. The LGBT community have protests and parades to try to spread the message that homosexuals should have the same rights of
The knights of King Arthur’s time were not only brave, but they were righteous, gallant, and faithful. In King Arthur’s time, chivalry was everything. Knights were expected to do battle, be religious, and be respectful to women. One such knight was Sir Galahad. He was the son of Lancelot and Elaine of Corbenic and became a knight at King Arthur’s Round Table. The story of Sir Galahad was shared in The Quest of the Holy Grail from the Middle Ages. It told how Galahad first came to King Arthur’s Round Table, and how despite being brought up by nuns, he was known as a courteous and chivalrous knight. During the medieval era, chivalry was a very important part of society.
Climate change is something that will someday eventually affect every living organism on the planet. It will result in the extinction of many animal species. However, some may be able to survive the changes. A few species may be able to change and adapt to the new environment. Others will be wiped out without human intervention.
Climate change is responsible for environmental changes in the world, such as rising ocean levels and increased global temperatures. Climate change is having more of an effect on the earth already than most people would believe. Looking at the animal populations on small islands reveals a decline in various species. In fact, due to human induced climate change a small mammal has gone extinct. What’s significant about this is that this is the first mammal to go extinct due to human induced climate change.
"We call them dumb animals, and so they are, for they cannot tell us how they feel, but they do not suffer less because they have no words” (Anna Sewell). There is undeniable evidence that animals are being affected by climate change. Even though the effects are difficult to measure, there are many different ways animals are being affected. With the loss of predator and prey species it affects the life cycles in the food chain. The earth’s climate change causes habitats such as snow, ice, or forest areas to alter, resulting in loss of habitat and food accessibility as well as causing extinction.
The increase of climate change has effected parts of the world changing the environment in which species live in. This change in habitats has caused many species to become endangered or close to extinction due to the effects of climate change on their environment. Scientist have predicted that climate change alone will result in the extinction of between 15 and 37% of extant species in the next 50 years (Carscallen & Romanuk 2012). Most of these extinctions will occur in the Polar Regions. The magnitude of the arctic warming is two to three times the global rate of change and has resulted in sea ice loss (McKinney et al. 2013).
The phenology of vertebrates was greatly altered by the mass extinctions and catastrophes that have occurred in history and still have an effect on vertebrates today. The main hypothesis for the global climate change following mass extinctions, particularly the Cretaceous-Paleogene (KPg), is black carbon spread throughout the globe and altered solar radiation to create a system of global cooling (Kaiho et al., 2016). The cooling of the Earth’s temperature created a sudden drop in precipitation and a 50-60% decrease in sunlight following the impact of the asteroid (Kaiho et al., 2016). Research shows that following the impact of the KPg extinction precipitation has substantially decreased and depends on the latitude (Kaiho 2016). The Late Ordovician mass extinction was the first of the “Big Five” and can be clearly connected with climate change (Finnegan et al., 2012). The Late Ordovician mass extinction can be explained by the climactic common cause hypothesis, which states that climate cooling has a direct influence on extinction rates by forcing tropical taxa to live in climates that did not match their niche (Finnegan et al., 2012). In a research study done on the effects of climate change in the Late Ordovician, patterns of thermal tolerance range indicators show cooling and habitat loss as an important driver
“History” Paleontologist believe that the dinosaurs were already dying rapidly due to the climate change. The climate change played huge role into the extinction of the dinosaurs. The climate change made it mess
Rapid climate change also ends up on the suspect list of possible dinosaur extinction events. During the latter part of the Cretaceous Period continents broke up causing volcanoes to erupt and fill the sky with gas and ash resulting in a drastic climate change (“Dinosaurs Climate Change and Biodiversity”). The shifting of continents changed the Earth’s landscape, altering weather patterns and overall climate (“Dinosaur Extinction Theories”). Also, over a long period of time, climate gradually changed. Ocean habits changed, temperatures grew much more extreme causing scorching summers and frigid winters (Norell, Dingus, and Gaffney). Radical temperature changes like these led to a green-house effect, making life for the dinosaurs a lot
The earth is getting warmer, animals and their habitats are declining, human health is at risk and the cause of all this terror is Global Warming. Global warming will cause many parts of the world to change. In the next 50 years climate change could be the cause of more than a million terrestrial species becoming extinct. Sea levels will raise which means more flooding and is not good for the plants. With too much water the plants will die and herbivores will lose their food source as well as their habitats. As a result the food chain will be broken and survival for any creature is slim to none. In conclusion, Global Warming is an important issue, but before we can devise any solutions we must first understand the causes. This paper will focus on the causes of global warming and argue that excessive carbon dioxide emissions is the predominate cause.
Although some believe that Global Warming has been created due to manmade pollutants, I believe that Global Warming is a natural process that has been accelerated due to the excess emissions of pollutants from nature and manmade devices into the atmosphere. The world has been said to be on a cycle of global warming and cooling, this process can neither be stopped nor prevented, but it can be accelerated with the addition of non-natural emissions from automobiles and factories; because this is a natural process, even if constraints were to be put on the amount of pollutants released into the air global warming could not be prevented—it could only be slowed. When the inevitable happens and global warming occurs, there are many
Air pollution in the form of carbon dioxide also increases the earth’s temperature; climate changes expand the production of air pollutants. People are trying to put things in order so there is less air pollution and it will not have a big impact on climate change. Airborne pollutants are contributing to global climate change; air pollution can create a disastrous outcome for the nation. Cutting carbon pollution right now so the next generation will not inherit the climate changes would be a good start. President Obama created a plan to address this problem. Thinking Obama's Clean Power Plan would make the issue better it made the issue a bigger dispute between companies because it would be expensive (Adams