Have you ever wondered what it is like to leave friends you've known since almost birth? Or what it is like to be placed into a completely unknown area? Well to me it's like an adaptation in animals, how they must change just to fit their environment. This ¨adaptation¨ happened to me at the age of 14 in the beautiful city of Atlanta, Georgia. It was just like any other day school, friends, etc. Except one thing, I was moving.
Now for most kids my age, normally it is not a good thing when your whole family is sitting in your living room looking at you with an optimistic face. Just my luck it wasn't, as my mom told me to sit down in the chair next to her. At first I thought I was in trouble, maybe I didn't get a good grade, or maybe I said something
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On the road my mind was racing about all of the possibilities. I had no idea what to expect during this move. But soon I enrolled to Landrum Middle School, and was finally hit with the reality that there was no going back. On the first day of school I started to notice that things were very different than what I was used to. For instance, this school was tiny, my old school was at least 3 times this size, and everyone knew each other but me. Secondly, the atmosphere was different, the whole school was a lot more country than the city life I was used to. Thirdly there was nothing to do in the tiny town of Landrum. In Atlanta there was always something going on. Finally, I had no friends, I mean i'm a very nice and outgoing person, but this school was not accepting of my differences at all.
All in all this move has changed my life dramatically. Still to this day I can't tell if it changed it in a negative or positive way. What I mean is that when I moved my social life dropped drastically, so in a way it's a positive that I can pay more attention in school, but a negative in my social life. Also my soccer skills increased immensely moving to South Carolina. I started playing year round. During the Fall I play with a prestigious travel soccer team, and in the spring I play for Landrum High School's soccer team. But in the end of all this I can see the positive even though I truly miss
Who would have known traveling could be such a hassle? Especially when moving from Wilson, North Carolina to boring Goldsboro. Especially when having strict parents, an annoying sister, a spoiled brother and an innocent me stuffed in a van, just to move only 26.4 miles. Moving cannot be that dreadful, I tried considering to myself. Making new friends and memories are not the worst thing in the world. There was only one slight problem …school. It was fall of third grade and everything was different. From math to English to science, concepts were thrown at me that I was so sure that I had never seen at my previous school. So at first sight of trouble, I turned to my parents, but only to end up with a frustrated me and a very agitated mother.
I was going to Brentwood Middle School when I got the news. I was just starting to find my friend group. Then I was told I would be transferring to a new group of schools. I would be moving 20 minutes down the road into a little town called Nolensville. When I thought it couldn’t get any worse, I would have to transfer schools again after I finished my freshman year. During my sophomore year of high school, I began at Nolensville. This school and town have changed me in ways I never thought it would.
It was June of 2013 and I was in my room cooling, watching “Good Luck Charlie”. My mom came into my room saying that she was ready to move out of New York. Obviously I did not want to move out of the city I was born in. My mom never liked living in New York, so she always thought about moving. So the plan was to move in August. Time went by and I was thinking about what North Carolina would be like. I really wasn’t thinking about the friends I was leaving in Brooklyn, that never crossed my mind.
At some point of our lives, we have all felt that feeling of what to do next, and mine would have to be the time I had to move from different cities. I was born and raised in McAllen, Texas. Throughout the years I was able to create and cherish many memories. Everyone around the neighborhood knew me as the shy, sweet, and kind Emily. My life was made in the valley until I got the announcement from my parents that we were moving to a new city named “Laredo.” At that moment my world had paused, so many questions were running through my head. What am I going to do? Where will I live? , and how will I adapt to this new town? So many mixed emotions were created, but I tried to hide them.
In my book I told the story of when I moved here from Arizona to Virginia. This event flipped my world upside down, I moved away from my family, friends, house, and the wonderful warm weather. I also had to adjust to the new climate and a new house. The making of this book has brought out the emotions of missing my friends and family that are still very far away. It has changed me personally in the way that I no longer had those friends around to shape me and I had to become more outgoing to go and make new friends. I new that we would move at some point while living in Arizona since I had already moved twice, but never imagined I would be leaving the west coast. Let alone staying out here in the same area and house for the past 10 years since
Moving to another country is something that for the majority of people it might be a challenge. The toll of cultural defiances, unfamiliar traditions, society, and language are the most important and consternating struggles that people faced. But changes occur every minute, every second, and everywhere. Changes bring doubt, fear, and even pain to most people. But changes are something that I always look forward to because they alter my perspectives on things. Changes remind me of unpleasant memories, but also about learning experiences. The question of why here and not there, was something that I answered 6 years ago.The answer lied in a series of actions and childhood memories. My life is separated into two geographic locations. The first
Have you ever had to move to a place and didn’t want too or even couldn’t do anything about it? Having to make new friends? No way. In life things changes a lot and I didn’t think things would change so drastically at such a young age. I’ve been living in Iowa for my whole life and I had thought I would be living there for the rest of my life. That was my city, I had grown up with the most fantastic kids who I went to school with since preschool. I knew like every kid in my grade or near my grade because that’s how long I lived there, to know a lot of locals. Iowa City was a place I was born at, it was a place I knew that was home because I was so used to everything around my surroundings. There are many mistakes I’ve made in my life, yet
As a result, I have at least lived in six different “homes” and transferred to four different schools. It was hard to leave everything behind. All that I accomplished, the relationships I built and everyone I knew and cared about, gone. I have to start all over again from scratch, building and constructing relationships with friends and family. Then when I start to get situated, the process repeats itself again and again. Even though it was thought at first I have grown acclimated to it. As a result of this experience, I believe that I became a more independent and socially adept
To the average person, moving is not an unusual occurrence. As a child, I moved from place to place ever since the age of two. However, on the account that I was still under the school age, the matter of moving did not affect me as much. It was when I was twelve, that my life took a drastic
Moving around from town to town happened quite often when I was younger. I always mirage living in one house my whole life and never having to know the feeling of leaving good friends behind. The move from Michigan to Illinois was definitely the most arduous. Elise, one of my best friends, had been with me from the first day I walked into Rummer Elementary to when we were crying on my porch the day before I left Michigan three years later. I expected this to be the last time we saw each other. I had done this enough that I realized she would move on or the six hour drive would keep us separated till we eventually gave up. My mother promised me it would be different this time, I thought she was only trying to keep me from becoming an misanthropist,
After a long ride, we saw our new home for the first time. It wasn’t luxurious, but to a couple of young children like us it was cool to live on the beach. The changes that lied ahead of us were great. There are many ways in which this new start changed my life. First, no longer did we live in fear. This enabled me to move on. I enrolled in eight grade that year. I felt like had a fresh start. No one knew my business. I could make myself whatever I wanted. My whole personality changed. That year I started at quarterback for junior high and from there everything started to look up. If I was to go into details of all the success I had it would be bragging, so I am just going to say I went from a casualty of a broken home to a respected and important part of High Island High School. In the five years I was there, I had more fun and a more productive life than all the other years put together.
Moving away from home has been one of the biggest challenges that I have had to face so far in the eighteen years of my life. Moving from my home town to the collge dorm was a difficult transition that was necessary for growing up both mentally and physically as an individual. The little more than five hundred miles that separates me from my friends and family has allowed me to become the person I am today, and the distance allows me to grow and become more familiar with things that are a whole new experience for me. One of the many new things that I have had to deal with was making new friends in my environment.
Once my family and I arrived at our new house I was still very saddened because of the move and had trouble not getting mad at my parents. Summer went bye like it wasn’t even there and by the time school started I was very depressed. The new school I was going to was Naperville North High School which was about ten times the size of my old school in Pennsylvania in size and in the number of students. In my school in Pennsylvania there were about twelve students in each class, here the number runs around thirty two. The school building was so big I had a lot of trouble getting to class on time let alone finding them in the building. The school wasn’t what I was bothered by the most because it was the fact that I didn’t have any social life and I was a social person. There were a lot of different groups of people at my new high school, it was tough for me to fit in and meet new people. Everyone just knew me as the new kid and didn’t even bother to find out what my real name was. The first
Packing up your life and belongings is a difficult task to do. My family lived in Apple Valley, MN, until the week before my 7th birthday. My parents told my younger brother and I that we were moving to Hastings, MN. I had no idea where that was as a child. I was excited about this new experience. I have always been interested in travelling. When we arrived in Hastings, it was nothing like my old town. I knew nobody, all I knew was that I lived in the middle of the woods. Moving to a different town isn’t just about the new house, it is also about making new friends at a new school, and living a different lifestyle.
I’ve lived in three different states and attended six schools over the past eight years. Relocating from Texas to Michigan, and later Michigan to Georgia were big adjustments for me. I missed my friends and close relatives. However, I knew I had to make the best of my circumstances. Through these experiences, I began to learn to be more flexible, become more open-minded to different traditions, and be adventurous in different parts of the country-I played volleyball, joined a dance team, and even went skiing! At school, I also focused on excelling in my classes and challenge myself like I did when adjusting to a new town.