Joey galloped towards me with his colorful pool noodle in hand flopping back and forth. I weaved through the other students as he tried to tag me. Soon I was trapped with seemingly nowhere to go but still attempted to maneuver away from Joey. Instead of escaping as I had hoped, I slipped and we both went tumbling down. After realizing we were both okay, we laughed so hard that we could barely breathe. In Adapted PE it was unusual not to hear laughter echoing through gym. It only took a game of noodle tag for me to understand how rewarding and enjoyable this experience would be. However, occasionally a peer would not want to partake in an activity after having a rough day. Getting the students to participate taught me a great deal of patience
I got on the skateboard and started to go up a ramp and fell. Tyler just started to laugh while Matteo helped me up and make sure I was okay.
The national curriculum states that ‘PE develops pupils’ competence and confidence to take part in a range of physical activities that become a central part of their lives, both in and out of school.’ (QCDA, 2008)
To support a child’s health practitioners within setting could encourage the children to do PE, as this would help the child with their health as they’re using their physical development to keep healthy as well. A practitioner could tell the children that doing PE is good for your health as it helps to keep them fit and healthy in life. As well as this, PE also helps children’s physical development as they’re using their gross motor skills, as they’re running, skipping etc. The children are exercising which is helping their physical development to improve more as they continue to grow up in life. Early years practitioners could also support a child’s health by giving each child a free tooth brush and free toothpaste, this is essential as each
After a series of announcements about cardiac screenings and where to buy gym clothes, the Instructional Coordinator finally projected the three offerings for the students not signed up for one of the new specialized P.E. courses.The first choice was out immediately because there was no way I would pay to golf off-campus. One of the two remaining choices looked identical to a girls-only course I had taken my junior year, although this year all P.E. classes were officially coed. The group fitness unit offered would be less torturous than rotating between the cardio room and the weight room that catered to football players and wrestlers, not petite out-of-shape non-athletes, but I’d have to repeat hip-hop dance.
I strongly disagree with replacing PE with study hall. It supports a lot of kids to have, through the day. Study hall time will not help the students get through the day. Physical education is needed in the students daily routine.
The key aims of PE on the national curriculum focusses on a healthy lifestyle developing competence across several physical activity areas and for children to be active for sustained periods of time and encouraging children to engage in competitive activities and sports (Smith 2014. P213).
One challenge that I have faced internally, is not being afraid to be goofy around the kids. At first, I was worried that acting silly would be embarrassing, but I quickly realized that it didn’t matter. The point is that the gymnasts have a good time and enjoy themselves, and not my own level of comfortability. Once I got over the fear embarrassed, I realized that all the coaches around me were doing the same thing, and nobody was paying attention at all minus my gymnasts who enjoyed my goofy and silly behavior.
It was my friend Jenna’s twelfth birthday. We were in her big backyard bouncing around on the trampoline. It was hot from the blazing summer sun shining down. Jenna did a butt bomb on the trampoline and her legs flew out from under her as she rose up into the air. Her smile was wide as she came falling back down. Once she landed, Jenna shouted, “Do your coolest trick.” I pushed and bounced off into the air. I pulled my long legs and arms into myself as I went for the flip.
I am a cross age tutor for physical education. This means I am the PE coach of twenty-seven first graders. As a coach, I am responsible for my students, and I have to try and motivate them to participate. I am also in charge of organizing and demonstrating activities for the class. Being the oldest of 6 kids, I am often around young children. I incorporate my experiences with my siblings to help me with my first graders. My knowledge from my siblings make me a better cross age tutor. I have the patience to wait for the children to settle down. I can speak in a kid friendly tone and language, but also make them aware that I’m their coach. As their coach, I notice some students don’t enjoy physical education. My job is to make sure all my students
By not staying in PE before my tryouts for badminton I have made a bad mistake, but at the same time, I have an opportunity to learn an important lesson. Because of the position, I’m in now I have learned that weighing all options is very important. If I had realized that if I got cut that I wouldn’t be able to go back into PE. I have also learned when I think I am cut from a team I should always be one-hundred percent sure. I should always verify and make sure the situation is as I think it is. When Dad tells me to go back to the tryouts even if I think I’m cut I should still go and verify. I have to be understanding of every possible thing that could occur so that I don’t end up in an irreversible situation. I should trust Dad and at least check because if I’m confused then I could potentially be misunderstanding a situation. I have learned to weigh all options and to verify because if I had done those two simple things I would not be in my current situation.
Vanessa, Rene, and me went to the English Club's annual picnic last Saturday. It was held at that there park over by the intramural baseball fields. The weather was wonderful; it was sunny ans brezzy. Us three arrived together and decided to enroll in the sack race. We hadn't played field sports since high school so we weren't sure what us had gotten oursleves into. Rene had rough start; her and her sack got all tangled at the starting line. Vanessa and me hopped alongside each other for most of the way. Then, our professor surpirised us all by sailing over the finish line in first place. Despite this turn of events, us three were pround of effeotd and had a great time. ready for some rest, we decided to go have a seat by that there old stand
Suddenly Patrick was gaining more speed and then he went up a hill and I followed. When we were both at the top, we both knew what we were going to do. We went down and both got some great air. It was the second round. I went first again and Patrick stayed and watched me do it. Then I watched him. It was our third run down and
Besides being able to destress Pilates has shown me that there is constantly a capacity to improve because there is always somewhere I can better the moves. Additionally, I have learned that Pilates is not a competition therefore I should not compare myself to others. The people I do Pilates with are normally more advanced than me, so I have found that I need to focus solely on what I can accomplish. I will share these lessons with the kids so that they can become exceptional leaders in their communities and have stronger bodies while helping others. Through improving their concentration, scholars can think of creative solutions to the problems they face in their day to day lives. Throughout the three weeks, we can discuss how Pilates is helping them and if the students do not like it, we can also consider other ways they can find an outlet to de-stress after the course. I will also integrate group puzzles such as obstacle courses that incorporate strength. Through learning about teamwork as well
PE does help students. “‘For standardized math and English tests, studies have shown that students achieve more when they pass a number of fitness tests.” ( this shows that the students that go to PE do better in school test and in the outside world. With PE students are able to stay healthy and do better in classrooms.
I hated P.E in middle school but once I wasn’t able to do it, it made me feel isolated. The simple things like waiting outside the locker room as my friends when in to change having conversations without me.Having to write essay papers, to make up for me not participating,while the rest of the class played volleyball and ran laps around the gym. My mentality was very one note. I didn’t put a lot of effort in to may things ,once what I really wanted to do,I couldn’t. Watching my dance teammates learn choreography and get yelled by our coach was something I missed the most. Going from a dancer to a coach assistant. Doing the bare minimum, helping with costume ordering and taking roll call. I hated doing that but it was the closest thing to