The main strength of the adaptive leadership approach is that it is very different from the other leadership theories. Northouse (2016) describes that adaptive leadership is “ a complex interactional event that occurs between leaders and followers in different situations” (pg. 275), meaning it is not a present on a leader. Followers are helped to deal with conflicting values that appear while working, making this style follower centered. The leader has to act and sometimes look from an outsider view the way to engage followers to get involved, growth, learn and change. Two other strengths of this leadership approach is that it is a prescriptive approach, and that it requires a holding environment. Leaders have to provide followers with a safe environment to be able to discuss and address difficult issues. The same author describes that this leadership approach has very unique strength of having as central purpose “ to help followers confront their personal values and adjust these needs in …show more content…
Adaptive Leadership has as main weakness that it does not have been empirically researched much to analyze concepts from this approach, According to Northouse (2016) “most of the writing about adaptive leadership has been prescriptive and based on anecdotal and observational data rather than data derived from rigorous scientific inquiry” (pg. 257). Another weakness is that the factors that make up this approach still need more refinement, and this still is also considered too broad and abstract. This approach still needs to describe how adaptive leadership with moral reasoning, more explanation is need to understand how adaptive work can change values and moral reasoning in general.
An example of successful adaptation, especially regarding to regulating personal distress, occurred to me as a research assistant for a physical activity health study. I was in charge of meeting with study participants and help them answer a long survey, and then
Situational leadership theory is a model based on the relationship between leaders and followers and proposes that the environment and the readiness of followers determines to a large extent, how leaders will tend to function. Developed by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard in 1969 the fundamental underpinning of the situational leadership theory is that there is no single “best” style of leadership (REFERENCE). Situational leadership has been used extensively in organizational leadership training and development because it highlights how different situations require different kinds of leadership. The keyword in this theory is adaptation. An effective leader must adapt his or her style to the situation.
Schien,(1992) has been identifies that how leaders do shape culture, embed and identity through primary mechanism such as role modeling, leader reaction to critical incidents, what leader pay attention to measure or control and observed way of allocating rewards, selection, promotion, and communication. Also, mentioned by (Lian et al, 2011) a great leader with positive influential personality will give a positive effect on the job satisfaction and the performances of the employees. Perhaps, it can be assumed, poor work culture at ward X, may shaped by an autocratic leadership over a long term, consequently affecting works performance and quality of care. (Manthey, 1991) mentioned that staff under bureaucratic had a poor performance and quality in performing a task.
The following pages focus on analyzing the leadership style of Rahma Al-Mashrafi. This is an important example of transformational leadership. The Introduction provides information leadership styles, and presents the points of view used in writing this paper. The next section provides important information on the background of Al-Mushrafi. The Key Capabilities of the Leader section discusses some of the most important characteristics of Al-Mushrafi that make her a successful leader. The Conclusions section discusses some of the most important issues addressed in the paper.
I previously answered this question as being transformed into the leader Christ wills or transformed according to the Holy Spirit that fills you. However following the module my thoughts have changed to Transformational Leadership Theory is a leader that attends to each follower's needs. The leader acts as a mentor or coach to the follower and listens to the follower's concerns. In addition, the leader is focused on the motives of the followers and work at helping the follower to reach their potential within the church (or organization). Presented in the module (according to Bernard Bass) four distinct factors involved in the transformational leader. This includes: Idealized Influence, is a leader who displays a strong role model for followers;
In this reflective essay I will be sharing the results of two surveys that I took; one in chapter seven managing conflict, and one in chapter ten leadership. In this essay I will reflect back my outcomes of each survey, and how it pertains to my performance on team work. Share with you what my strengths and weaknesses are from doing the survey, and after finding new personal characteristic I will relate back to the chapter to spread insight.
will become stronger and have more depth, which will allow the entire team to move forward in attempts to achieve their ultimate goals.
As my career advances, I have selected my preferred style of leadership. Transformational leadership suits my moral upbringing and rationalization the best. I prefer to set the example for my peers as to what is expected from all nurses instead of demanding duties to be completed. Thus, the staff can see that is not just them that have to accomplish excellent patient care and do all the hard work. Nursing is a team aspect and I am more than happy to demonstrate that everyone here must give hundred percent to their role in patient care. By setting the example, I am aware directly and immediately of the limitations of the staff, as well as, know what areas need to be improve at work. I desire for the nursing staff to believe in the mission and
Module 5 spoke of adaptive leaders and included many elements of adaptability. I found the Emotional Flexibility concept to be the most important in the module. The concept describes one’s ability to consider their own emotions versus the emotions of others.
Today a lot of the things we talked about really hit home with me, and I actually cried in a room full of strangers as I told them my story and why I chose to be a leader.
The three concepts that I found the most valuable during my academic lessons at Non-Commissioned Officer Academy Intermediate Leadership Experience would be the three elements of flexibility, the five traits of followership, and leadership influencing styles. These concepts are very important to me because they will make a positive change in myself and my leadership style. My goal to change my flexibility and, my overall adaptability, would be to change my default setting of dispositional flexibility to a more positive outlook. I currently may have a stand-offish/negative outlook when it comes to change. To be a more effective leader I must will myself to maintain a positive disposition to a changing environment. The next goal would be
As I worked through my analysis I was not at all surprised by the areas that I scored the
The concepts that I value to be an adaptable leader are change management and team building. The specific concept principles that will increase my ability in becoming an adaptable leader are elements of adaptability and team dynamics. Appling these principles will allow me to make sound decisions, adapt to changing environments, capitalize on subordinate strengths and skill sets to effectively promote collaboration.
As a Success Coach I focus on birthing personal and/or professional success. This is so extremely rewarding and exciting but challenging. The challenge lies in the fact that every person is a unique and intriguing blend of experiences, genetics and beliefs. This combination drives one's perception of reality, emotions and daily choices. These countless variables make it pretty difficult to neatly apply a packaged model for success. Even though I know that "models" or "systems" do sell well and attract clients, I cannot with a straight face and a pure heart promote a surefire model or system that fits all.
Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory (SLT) asserts that a leader’s effectiveness is dependent upon the readiness, or ability and willingness, of the leader’s followers to complete a task. This leadership style is an amalgamation of task-oriented and relationship-oriented characteristics that are employed depending upon the situation and the followers involved. According to the SLT, as followers increase in readiness the leader’s style is to adapt accordingly (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009).
Another situation I haven 't adapted to fully is dealing with other peoples problems. Since I became a manager I have to listen to complications my co-workers are dealing with outside of work. They come to me for advice and help, I find