
Adaptive Leadership Approach Analysis

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The main strength of the adaptive leadership approach is that it is very different from the other leadership theories. Northouse (2016) describes that adaptive leadership is “ a complex interactional event that occurs between leaders and followers in different situations” (pg. 275), meaning it is not a present on a leader. Followers are helped to deal with conflicting values that appear while working, making this style follower centered. The leader has to act and sometimes look from an outsider view the way to engage followers to get involved, growth, learn and change. Two other strengths of this leadership approach is that it is a prescriptive approach, and that it requires a holding environment. Leaders have to provide followers with a safe environment to be able to discuss and address difficult issues. The same author describes that this leadership approach has very unique strength of having as central purpose “ to help followers confront their personal values and adjust these needs in …show more content…


Adaptive Leadership has as main weakness that it does not have been empirically researched much to analyze concepts from this approach, According to Northouse (2016) “most of the writing about adaptive leadership has been prescriptive and based on anecdotal and observational data rather than data derived from rigorous scientific inquiry” (pg. 257). Another weakness is that the factors that make up this approach still need more refinement, and this still is also considered too broad and abstract. This approach still needs to describe how adaptive leadership with moral reasoning, more explanation is need to understand how adaptive work can change values and moral reasoning in general.

An example of successful adaptation, especially regarding to regulating personal distress, occurred to me as a research assistant for a physical activity health study. I was in charge of meeting with study participants and help them answer a long survey, and then

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