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„Adaptive Selling“
Table of Contents List of figures III Relevance of adaptive selling for marketing 1
1 Central concepts in the context of adaptive selling 3
2 Analysis of the research progress regarding adaptive selling 5 Bibliography 16
List of figures
Fig. 1: Conceptual framework of Román and Iacobucci……………………………………7
Relevance of adaptive selling for marketing
Since the 1970s, researchers are trying to understand the various determinants, antecedents and consequences of adaptive selling. It all began with the perception of personal selling as a dyadic sales process (Spiro 1976). This process is determined by a continuous reflection and consideration of the progress
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In 1976 Spiro, Perreault and Reynolds described the sales interaction as a process that is governed by the buyer and the salesman. If their expectations and needs differ, the seller has to revise his sales objectives and strategy in order to adapt to the respective situation. In 1978, Weitz presented the ISTEA model, introducing a so-called adjustment stage, giving the salesperson the possibility to alter his way to communicate the marketing message several times during the sales interaction based on his evaluation of the customer’s reaction. Building on this insights, Weitz, Sujan and Sujan defined adaptive selling as “the altering of sales behaviors during customer interaction or across customer reactions based on perceived information about the nature of the selling situation” (1986, p. 175). Thus, a salesman who varies his sales presentation regularly engages highly in adaptive selling. A salesman that, on the contrary, uses the same sales presentation all the time shows no engagement.
2.2 Adaptive selling confidence and adaptive selling behaviour
The ADAPTS scale defined by Spiro and Weitz was the first scale determined to measure the predisposition of salespeople to use adaptive selling. Over the course of time, various scientists and scholars followed Spiro’s and Weitz’ call to continue research on this issue. Thereby,
Introduction: In this assignment I will be giving information the following point talk about each sales staff must do or be like when working for these different scenarios. Also I have included the sales technique out of four of them: Cold-calling, Face to face, Telemarketing and drop in visits. Also I have included their own personal interpersonal skills of what it takes to be a sales staff to be working for those scenarios, I have also included examples and relevant pictures.
Personal selling is where a sales man actually comes to target market doors and tries to promote and make a sale from his product. This method of selling is perceived to be quite intimidating and often salesmen can be quite bullish in their approach of the customer. A business that is looking to maintain its corporate image will want to employ good salesmen that will not give off a bad aura when they are at work.
Buyers never want to feel pushed, manipulated, or rushed. Sales professionalism is another factor into having a buyer and seller trust based relationship. This method is a way to approach customers in a trusting and non-manipulating tactic to satisfy the long-term needs of both the customer and the selling firm. Salespeople play a critical role on the sales floor. Almost all consumers in the society who are early adopters of an innovation often rely on salespeople as a primary source of information. Given the increasing importance of building a trust bond and developing a long-term relationship is an imperative that salespeople are truthful with the customers. It is important for salespeople to
The war on drugs officially started in 1972 with Richard Nixon leading the charge. Nixon called drugs, “public enemy number one” because of the rising heroin addiction in Vietnam veterans. The Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs revamped by Nixon was founded in 1968 under Johnson . By 1972 Nixon starts the office of Drug Abuse Law Enforcement, to create a joint task force in the federal and state level, and resulted in the end of the French connection . The French connection was the Heroin drug trade that started from Turkey, were opium farmed legally to drug companies, sold underground, and ended in the streets of America, the products put on French ships were around 200 pounds . In response to the rivalry between BNDD and U.S. customs,
The TV sitcoms of Scrubs, Friends, and Love all evolve around single young adults. By comparing the three, one can come to understand how love is shown through TV in the United States. Throughout the episodes, it becomes apparent on why the couples are together. In Scrubs, it is easy to see that Carla and Turk make each other happy.
Reporting on the findings of a seminar, Keegan (2009) conveyed no matter how thorough a company’s research and marketing efforts are, a company’s overall success often boils down to one very critical function: face-to-face sales. Product knowledge, honesty and trustworthiness are important virtues for every salesperson, but a successful salesperson must navigate through a customer’s business to find the ultimate decision maker. Researching a customer’s business, gaining knowledge of their operation, and listening to their needs is critical to the success of every salesperson. After every face-to-face meeting, a salesperson needs to review what
Victor Andrew Lopez Week 1 – Case Study MKTG 425 – DeVry University Professor Eckert Statement of the Problem Value-added selling is a way in which the salespersons use to ensure that they add value to their customers hence increasing the experience of the customers. The study brings the ways in which the salespersons use to ensure that their customers have enough experience on their products. The need for the understanding of the ways in which Marcus Smith can create value for his customers and hence get more of them with the experience on the market issues. The value selling is more than a sales course since it takes the initiative of the salespersons to ensure that there is value added selling. It is also not true that people always want to get as much as they give, in the study there is a the detailed discussion of the ways in which value can create although sometimes it may not work for all customers (Albrecht et al., 2005).
The book Hope Is Not A Strategy by Rick Page is the quintessential piece of sale force literature. Similar to most sales force books it provides key selling concepts to the reader, but the key differentiator is that Page focuses on providing specific strategies and practices that will elevate an individual’s sales force. Being able to navigate a sales account and ultimately achieve the sale is a very complex task and Page’s book guides the reader in maneuvering these complex situations. Although Rick Page states that hope is an essential aspect of life, he believes that strategy must be developed and implemented in order to achieve results in the complex selling environment.
Sales personnel needs to suggest new products that customers would not have thought before or that online algorithms would have missed. In order to know all the products in details and to inform something that customers don’t know, salespersons should have more training programs regarding product information. Train salespeople to be active listeners and be trustworthy to customers so they could purchase from a salesperson. (Wood, 2016).
To be honest, a lot of this stuff to me is just common sense BUT the majority of people in sales don’t stick to that relationship type of selling that I think really makes or breaks a salesman. You can have a low paying customer come in and bug you non stop but if you bend over backwards for that person and they refer a high paying client to you. Then wasn’t that just worth the headache of dealing with Mr. Obnoxious the last 4 months?
Is when a employee persuade a customer to buy or use the service offer by the business.
To Sell Is Human is a book that examines and evaluates the influence of sales in our lives. Daniel H. Pink, the book’s author, explores how nowadays, everyone is participating in sales: from lawyers trying to sell juries on a verdict, physicians selling remedies to their clients, to employers selling their bosses reasons why they should get a raise. We are all now on sales, and this does not mean we are only selling palpable products, but services, techniques and ideas. Moreover, in the book, Pink writes about how the sales world must be updated from its obsolete practices to more service-oriented ones, or in other words, it has to switch to techniques that will actually move others. Finally, Pink guarantees his book will change how the reader
Some might say I am a bit harsh in my views to what a salesperson should and shouldn’t say. Many salespeople have said that if they acted with such high moral obligations, they wouldn’t be able to do their jobs properly. I, on the other hand, believe the seller should strive as much as possible to sell as close to the "desired exchange" standpoint rather than the lower end of the "acceptable exchange" view. Many agents have suggested that if the customer is ready and willing to spend the money and will do so in any case, they should not be stopped. Therefore, the sales agents strive towards
The next stage in the personal selling process is approaching the prospect. This means actually having an initial first meeting with the prospect for the first time, face-to-face. (Personal Selling, pg.136) Like most things in life, “Practice Makes Perfect”, and in this particular case, this statement holds true in that the more a sales representative practices and rehearses their sales presentation, the better. Practicing and rehearsing one’s presentation assist sales representatives in
The evolution of selling changed the way salespeople, companies and major industries valued their customer's needs. Each organization would use certain methodologies and techniques that over time would develop, mature and grow to make those organizations much more successful and valued. Also as the customers themselves, started becoming more sophisticated, closing sales took more effort and time. Therefore the salespeople had to be trained differently and have more knowledge about the products and services they were offering. From the 19th century until present, a lot more techniques and methods of sales and selling developed further.