
Addiction In Sonny's Narrative

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“Yet it had happened and here I was, talking about algebra to a lot of boys who might, every one of them for all I knew, be popping off needles every time they went to the head. Maybe it did more for them than algebra could.” (Page 125, Paragraph 4) This quote takes place at the beginning of the story when the narrator teaches his first algebra class after reading in the newspaper that his brother, Sonny has been arrested for heroin use. He is so unsettled that he begins to look at his life in a whole new way. The author uses this passage to describe how the narrator contemplates the possibility that maybe even his own students experience more pleasure from the use of heroin than learning algebra. TEXT RESPONSE “ ‘Tell me,’ I said at last, …show more content…

Earlier in the story, the narrator found it hard to believe that his brother would slip into such an evil addiction. This letter written by Sonny portrays just how excruciatingly difficult addiction is to overcome. He describes the agony of not being able to use heroin in prison. The author uses the letter as a window into Sonny’s story. For the first time the audience is not receiving the bias opinion of the narrator (Sonny’s brother), who has only read the story from the newspaper. TEXT RESPONSE “Some guys, you can tell from the way they play, they on something all the time. And you can see that, well, it makes something real for them.” (Page 142, Paragraph 203) This passage takes place when Sonny and the narrator first enter the club. Sonny explains to the narrator that people do drugs for different reasons. Again, the author is giving the audience a look into the world of an addict. Sonny tells the narrator that he knows some addicts that need the high of heroin to feel like themselves again. This passage again supports the theme of suffering in the story- everyone has a different way of dealing with it. TEXT

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