Addiction Over Life Everyone's life is worth so much. Are you actually living if you are a drug addict? I feel like you are not living life if you are addicted to drugs. People who are addicted to drugs are like walking zombies. They have no clue what is going on in their surroundings or what they are doing. Addiction is no life to live or make your loved ones live through.
I know how addictions change people. I have lived a life full of addicts. My mother has been an addict since she was fifteen. Therefore, when she got pregnant with me, she was hooked on cocaine. It would be a miracle if my mother could find a way to rehab. I believe that nothing will motivate her to stop. My mother has had six kids. She has put us through hell. She has caused many of fights with her children. My older brother has run away at least 15 times. It has got to the point where he has been put in juvenile detention and prison. His prison sentence is because of the way my mother raised him. There are very few memories I have of my mother that are pleasant. My mother took and lost so much in life.
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Time is something people with addictions lose a lot of. They lose time of their lives and time to spend with their children. My mother has lost the time to make memories with her children. She has missed many birthdays and holidays. She does not go to her children's sports. She missed the short time it takes kids to grow up. I remember this last Christmas when she was drugged up and passed out all day. She did not even speak to her children.My granny and I bought my sibling Christmas. My mother does not know how many more Christmas’ she will have with her children. My mother has missed out on her life and her kids' lives. Most of all my mother missed out on being a
This experience has changed the way I see those who haven’t had enough and those who haven’t found away out of the addicted world. I’ve learned there is more to a person than their appearance and in these cases there is a lot of hurt and anger in their souls. Even after recovery some people still carry around guilt and anger. Some are ashamed because they let something affect them in a way in which they lost control. Others are angry at
Active addicts may claim that rehabilitation doesn’t work or that it only works while you are there, but as soon as you leave you re dragged back into that pit of addiction. The parents of people who have passed away because of drug related incidents may think that we shouldn’t be sympathising with them, because they have chosen to throw their life away and their child’s life was taken away without warning and without any fault of their own. The Government may feel that they are providing a lot of free support for recovering addicts and have been cracking down on the
addicted persons encounter include, difficulty in holding jobs, maintaining stable marriages, making and keeping friends, obeying laws, and functioning as caring and responsible parents. These difficulties are related to the fact that getting and using drugs leaves little time for other activities.
First of all, there is the Structural-Functional perspective way people view drug addiction as. The structural-functional perspective is the role the drugs do for the person or the weakening of the norms. It is the way they affect the person and what it does to them that makes them be addicted to drugs. For some people drugs relieves them. It takes them away from their problems from a while and they feel stress free and because of that feeling they receive from the drugs they like it and continue to take more and more. Those with this type of perspective well most likely disagree with this view of drug addiction and would want the problem to decrease.
Many addicts finish in the legal system because they do whatever it may take to get their drugs. Although some addicts who receive legal consequences are able to abstain, out of fear of incarceration, from use for a period of time but unless they receive treatment and continue to seek support from others who are recovering from addiction the time will come that they will use again. Women who become addicted will abandon their children, continue to use while pregnant, sell themselves, and often put themselves in danger in order to get their drug of choice. Children of addicted parent(s) often can have behavioral problems or trouble with school and friends. Many children are forced to grow up and have to take care of themselves, siblings, and the addict because the addict is more worried about using drugs than taking care of their family. This often leads to family or social service agencies intervening on behalf of the children. The getting and abusing of drugs becomes part of their daily life which leads to financial problems, social and medical problems. Many times friends and families have to sit by and watch as the person they love chooses to use drugs over them, no matter how much they try to help them stop the addict continues to use knowing what the possible consequences may be or they stop for a period of time only to go back to using again. Along with the addict
Drug addiction ruins lives. It alters a person's personality and attitude causing marriages to fall apart and families to experience great strain. It amounts to millions of dollars in lost time and productivity. And it also causes deaths and accidents.
Being addicted to drugs can destroy someone’s finances. Expensive drug habitats can lead to loss of a job, illness, debt, arrest, and even death. A family with an addict parent can become homeless because the parent is spending all the money on drugs, so they can’t pay for anything else.
2.1 Million people in the United States suffer from a disorder relating back to the abuse of opiates. (America’s Addiction to Opioids: Heroin and Prescription Drug Abuse, Volkow). Opiates build a wall around your thoughts and every wall of your life. When this happens, their lack of communication is cut off leaving them alone and making them make difficult decisions on their own. (How Does it Feel to be Addicted to Opiates, Donnelly). The substance takes everything from you including your money, family, and sanity. Without these things in their life, most abusers believe they have nothing left to rely on (How Does it Feel to be Addicted to Opiates, Donnelly). When people become addicted, they worry that they will never be back to normal. The substance had such a strong effect on them that they forget how life was before the abuse (How Does it Feel to be Addicted to Opiates,
Your family and friends dynamics might be greatly impacted; causing damage that cannot be easily repaired throughout their life. This is because, addiction is a terrible disease that does not only affect the addicts themselves, and it also affects nearly everyone you are in contact with. Bennett states,” Society pays for this behavior”(35). There is a point where drug addicts cannot control themselves because they want to be high all the time. So they start doing anything to get high and by anything means lying to their family and friends, stealing from somebody close to you, borrowing money from people you know you cannot pay back.
The cycle of addiction is like running on a treadmill suspended in air where there's seemingly no way to get off. Fortunately, there is always a way off if you are willing to admit you are suffering from the disease of addiction. There's the rub. The healing process from addiction has to start with you. When you are ready and able to receive help, you will find that a quality addition treatment center like (name) in (location) will be awaiting your call.
Drug addiction is something that everyone is vulnerable to, and that unfortunately is something that many people are going through in today’s society. Everyone is exposed to drug addiction, no matter what, it’s just up to the person to determine if they have a strong enough will power to not take the drugs. However, drugs are available to anyone who is willing to buy them, and many people are willing to spend everything they have in order to buy drugs that might give them temporary relief of a situation that they are currently struggling in; drugs are many people’s escape from the reality they are forced to be in. People have different reasons as to why they start using and abusing drugs; some may choose to do it simply because they like the feeling the drugs causes or occasionally because of the environment or situation the person was or is in, but I mostly think it’s because the person isn’t strong enough to stop taking the drugs or to say no to them.
Addiction is not an individual problem but something that affects the whole family. Stevens and Smith (2013) state that families will “readjust to redistributing responsibilities to accommodate the user” (pp. 247-248). Children learn to adapt to their dysfunctional family, including taking more responsibilities on when their parent cannot because of their addiction. Families need to be included in treatment so that they can learn positive ways to help their family member without enabling them. The Bible states in Ecclesiastes 4:9 “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed” (New Living Translation). God designed humans to need each other that is why he created Eve as Adam’s helpmate. Having a support system
In stories two and four, the addiction is being passed through family genetically and environmentally. I find it absolutely devastating when a disease like addiction has moved its way through entire families like Tamara's and Vanessa's. Addiction like this impacts everyone involved. When I was a child I had to experience similar hardships caused through parents and other family members struggling with addiction. Speaking from first hand experience, I know how devastating it is to see someone you love walk down that path. I could sympathize with Candy and her children. They will never forget the time they spent with their father after his deployment and the lack there of him for the year that followed. Vanessa's and Candy's families received
Addicts blame others when things go wrong, they make loved ones feel guilty or ashamed, and maintaining an addiction can take a financial toll on a family. Children, pets, and other family members are often neglected and left to fend for themselves when living with an addict. Addiction can also cause separation in a family. Eventually patience runs out and people end up walking away from the addict when they refuse to get help or take responsibility.
I have never been a man of promises because I don’t believe in saying something if it isn’t true, but even with that I can almost guarantee that everyone either personally has or knows someone who has had an addiction. Going even further, based on my personal interactions, I can also assume that everyone either is or knows someone who was or still is addicted to drugs. A lot of people seem to think that drug addiction is a choice and that the people who are addicted know this and just don't care about themselves or the people around them, but I do not think that that is the case. I believe that drug addiction is not a choice that people make willingly, but is a disease that we as humans can’t control by ourselves.