An alarming amount of costs are presented to both the community and misusers because of substance addiction-related problems. Also, most misusers have addiction-related health consequences alongside their addiction disorder. Michael T. French Ph.D, Professor in the Department of Public Health Sciences at University of Miami, researches substance abuse said, “In a recent study of hospital costs for Medicaid patients, burn victims with a substance abuse comorbidity experience hospital stays twice the length of those of burn victims with no substance-abuse problems” (French 893). Not only is the overall cost of treatment more costly for misusers, but the lengthy hospital stays mean, they needed additional treatment for addiction related issues
Battling addiction can be a challenging process that requires help and encouragement from top-notch rehab centers like Detox of South Florida. At Detox of South Florida, they have helped hundreds of patients struggling with alcohol or drug addiction. A major consideration in their treatment plan is preparing patients for sober life after rehabilitation. Many recovering addicts struggle with loneliness and isolation when sober. If you or a loved one is struggling with sober loneliness, here are three tips from the rehab center professionals at Detox of South Florida:
Americans today tend to not realize we’re slowly being separated from each other. Whether it be electronics keeping us away from the family at night or just social media that keeps us from going outside and actually socializing. It has become a serious problem and it happens more and more as we continue to advance in technology. Not to mention it's forming another problem in the way we’ve shaped our societies so that it's extremely easy to be cut off from human connections without even realizing it. Johann Hari, The author of “The Likely Cause of Addiction” pulled my attention towards realizing that this addiction is a fast paced growing problem. Hari Specifically states,"We have created human societies where it is easier for people to become cut off from all human connections than ever before." He’s basically stating that it’s become way too easy to be disconnected from our society and its gotten worse over time. Honestly I agree with how he thinks, we don’t realize it but we’re all being slowly cut off from our society. Whether we like it or not we’ve created our society to be the way it is, and it caused us to be so easily disconnected from one another.
Both of the psychological and biological models explain addiction. In addition, both models take a holistic approach in their arguments. They simply
The designing used in the addiction scenario would be a double-blind, randomized, study of the effects of Antaquil vs placebo in minimizing the cravings of individuals suffering from alcohol dependence. Participants for the study should meet the DSM-V criteria for alcohol dependence and have recently entered into treatment. Certain medical and psychotic conditions along with any current substance use will disqualify the individual from participation. To secure that the sample is random, several outpatient clinics should be used to recruit the participants, a computer randomization program will then be used to ensure that each member of the qualifying population has an equal possibility of being chosen. The randomize sample will consist of (n=36)
Addiction is everywhere, from celebrity tabloids, to television, and possibly to a family member or close friend. There is alcoholism, drug abuse, and gambling addiction; the effects of such are devastating. For example, the following excerpt is from the harrowing Leaving Dirty Jersey: A Crystal Meth Memoir by James Salant:
Although studies proved to be random and show that only a few can fully recover, there are still patients that overcome addiction. Even to this day, the main source of substance abuse is complicated to determine. All that can be done is to bring awareness. The National Institute estimates that “abuse of tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs is costly to our Nation, exacting more than $700 billion annually in costs related to crime, lost work productivity and healthcare (NIDA 2012).” The government is currently attempting to reduce substance abuse by increasing awareness and funding programs.
New government data demonstrate the continued, urgent need for more Americans to have access to drug and alcohol addiction treatment, according to an analysis by the Closing the Addiction Treatment Gap (CATG) initiative. If implemented properly, federal health care reform legislation could help remove financial barriers to treatment for millions of Americans. *
The basis for addiction can be assigned to a combination of social, physiological and psychological aspects. Social factors highlight the fundamental tendency for humans to interact and form social groups which contributes to the commencement of addiction. The intricacy of the human brain has slowed the understanding of physiological and psychological factors, however experts agree the neurotransmitter dopamine is instrumental to explaining the cause of addiction and ascertaining successful pathways to assist addicted individuals. Analysing addiction within the domain of methamphetamine use provides an insight to the causes and potential treatment strategies for these individuals. There is no single treatment for methamphetamine addiction,
The three models of addiction examined in this week’s readings include the medical model, the psychosocial model, and the disease of the human spirit model. The medical model “rests on the assumption that disease states are the result of a biological dysfunction, possibly one on the cellular or even molecular level” (Doweiko, 2012, p. 333). Many consider this model and “maintain that much of human behavior is based on the interaction between the individual’s biological predisposition and the environment” (Doweiko, 2012, p. 333). Individuals under this model view free will “as an illusion” (Doweiko, 2012, p. 333). There is controversy regarding this model as “to the degree to which the
One has chosen to focus on the substance abuse patients as the vulnerable population for the project. Frequently one has identified and seen stigmatization, prejudgments, and poor care given to this population in the workplace. Many patients are discharged each day with no plan of care, no education on resources and no instructions for follow up care. The outcomes and possibilities for the patient’s recovery have shown to be slim by the frequent return of the patient in the emergency room. The patients return within hours of discharge from the ER and seem to be in the same condition as when they left. One has
Substance abuse is a very widely known public epidemic in today's society. Many people are unfortunately plagued by this issue. According to (2012), “People abuse substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs for varied and complicated reasons, but it is clear that our society pays a significant cost,” (para. 1). People that are affected by substance abuse includes a very different range of people. Many that abuse the substances end up having health-related problems which in turn increases the need for health care. Other people that are affected by substance abuse are the family members and friends of the abusers because they have to deal with the person abusing the substances. Things that can be abused are
Addiction- a primary, chronic, neurobiologic disease, with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations. It is characterized by behaviors that include one or more of the following: impaired control over drug use, compulsive use, continued use despite harm, and craving. The difference between addiction and abuse is often times unclear. It’s a difficult call to make as a family member or a close friend that is dealing with a person like this in their life, but ultimately it is a call that only the addict can make for themselves. There are tons of different sources and tests and questions out there that can be done that can
Substance abuse and addiction have become a social problem that afflicts millions of individuals and disrupts the lives of their families and friends. Just one example reveals the extent of the problem: in the United States each year, more women and men die of smoking related lung cancer than of colon, breast and prostate cancers combined (Kola & Kruszynski, 2010). In addition to the personal impact of so much illness and early death, there are dire social costs: huge expenses for medical and social services; millions of hours lost in the workplace; elevated rates of crime associated with illicit drugs; and scores of children who are damaged by their parents’ substance abuse behavior (Lee, 2010). This paper will look at
This essay is based on a client Ibrahim (30 year old, male) who is currently living with his three siblings with their biological father and step mother. The client has a history of juvenile delinquency with outrageous behavior. Due the suspensions from the school, he has a low academic performance. Currently, he is jobless due to abusing drugs and low academic performance, which made him feel depressed. The purpose of the essay is to evaluate the clients’ problems with the help of consistency theory and understand the possible neurological underpinnings that may have occurred in his brain. Also recommend possible interventions that are most fitting for client.
Drug addiction is one of society 's biggest problems and it is rampant among teenagers and young adults and one of the most abused drugs is marijuana. Cannabis sativa or marijuana usually grows throughout tropical and temperate climates and then plant 's stems, leaves, flowers, and seeds are then dried. What attracts to most users is the mind altering effect these parts produce which is addictive to some extent. It is usually smoked as cigarette, or in a pipe. It is also smoked in blunts, in which cigars will be emptied of tobacco and refill with marijuana or sometimes it is combined with another drug. It can also be brewed as tea or mixed in food. Hashis is a more concentrated, resinous form which is sticky black liquid, hash oil. The