
Addition Of Hbr To 1-Bromohexane

Decent Essays

Addition reactions allow the reaction of two or more reactions to form into the adduct (the larger molecule formed). However, this only applies to compounds that have multiple bonds, for instance a double or triple bond. In this experiment, the reaction will be an addition of HBr to 1-hexene (an alkene). Both reactants are in reflux, which allows one to determine whether 1-bromohexane or 2-bromohexane is formed. In the reflux setup, 0.5 mL of 1-hexene, 2 mL of 48% HBr (aq), and 150 mg (0.15g) tetrabutylammonium bromide is added and then heated for two hours, along with stirring (using a spin vane). The reactants must be continuously stirred in order to mix the HBr and 1-hexene, since they are immiscible. It is also used to prevent bumping; …show more content…

The mixing in this step allows all the reagents to mix thoroughly and is vented to release pressure inside the funnel. After the mixture is left still, it will separate into an organic layer and an aqueous layer. In this experiment, the bottom layer was aqueous and the top was organic. The bottom layer was removed and 10% sodium bicarbonate was added to the organic layer left in the separatory funnel. The sodium bicarbonate is used to extract the organic layer again. The organic layer is then dried with Na2SO4 salts and filtered through a gravity filter (cotton in short-stem glass funnel). The filtered portion is placed in a vial and then placed on top of the steam cone in order to remove excess moisture. After an approved amount of solution is left in the vial, it will be set aside to perform the silver nitrate and sodium iodide tests. Three test tubes were used for each test, representing the different solutions of interest—10 standard, 20 standard and the solution created from the experiment. For the silver nitrate test, there is to be 2 mL of 0.1M solution of silver nitrate in 95% ethanol in the test tubes. Then 1-2 drops of the solutions of interest are placed in the test tubes. The following reactions are expected for the silver nitrate

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