
Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Essay

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An inspiring woman once said, “Educate a boy, you educate a man, but educate a girl and you educate a family.” This woman was Adelaide Hunter Hoodless who was a Canadian educational reformer who believed that women had value as mothers and wives in their home. She fought for their right to education and didn't back down. Haunted by the death of her small son, she launched a twenty year campaign and gave women the knowledge and institutions that they needed to serve and safeguard their families. Adelaide achieved many things but it all started with taking the first step. Before Adelaide’s public life began, there was a terrible tragedy that had struck which pushed Adelaide to helping other women. Unfortunately, her youngest son who was only …show more content…

Her successes have led to society changing in the short and long run. Since 1889, women’s education has grown and become more important. Adelaide Hoodless has supported Canadian women all along and she has believed that women deserved to be treated with respect. For instance, the inspirational speeches Adelaide gave while going around the province, helped open up more opportunities for women who didn't get the chance to show their real potential.Also, without her causse, many children would have died to women’s lack of knowledge in the same matter that killed Adelaide’s son.therefore, Adelaide created schools and courses that taught people about domestic sciences. By October of 1902, the Ministry of Education was going to make domestic science a regular part of the curriculum in Ontario. But Adelaide kept her goals high and she made sure that domestic science was offered at a university level. Not to mention, the different kinds of organizations she founded and became a part of to support women all over Canada. She founded and helped establish many greatly influential organizations like the first Women’s Institute, the Young Women’s Christian Association, the National Council of Women of Canada and the Victorian Order of Nurses. In the long run, these organizations showed younger women that they could be more independent and

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