Have you ever felt a relationship you had just did not work out? Adele, a Grammy award-winning artist, is known for her popular love songs that express heartbreak, admiration, and many more topics related to love. So far, she has released two albums, “19” and “21” that showcases her many famous songs such as, “Someone Like You” and “Hello”. One of the most popular that is showcased is “Rolling in the Deep” in which she released on November 29th, 2016. Different from Adele’s genre of music is a band named, Motion City Soundtrack. This band is a 1997 American rock band that has a sound that is described as pop punk or emo. The band released six albums which included their breakthrough album, Commit This to Memory. One of the first songs they …show more content…
Adele’s “Rolling in the Deep” states, “There’s a fire starting in my heart. Reaching a fever pitch, it’s bringing me out the dark,” The speaker is saying in the aforementioned quote that he/she has been sad and in pain from the relationship and now she is finally experiencing a new feeling that is drawing attention from the pain and sadness. In addition, the tone also signifies hope which would lead the speaker to overcome the heartbreak and emotional tension. The speaker realizes how he/she can face the pain and it improves on the message that relationships do not always work out. Meanwhile, “My Favorite Accident” expresses pain with stating, “You hit the road and left me an ocean.” The speaker’s past-lover suddenly ended the relationship and the speaker is left with the outcome of the break-up. The tone is of melancholy and shows the deep sadness the break-up has brought upon the author. With the use of an idiom, the tone introduces pain from the relationship to the audience. With an insight in the speaker’s feelings, it gives the audience a look into what the speaker went through. The insight brought into the song gives support to the deeper meaning from the text and additionally, a sympathetic mood from the audience to the …show more content…
Correspondingly stating individual differences by applying idioms in the text, Adele’s song shows a new sense of confidence along with the aforementioned pain while contrastingly Motion City Soundtrack’s song reveals a tone that is longing. The lyrics in “Rolling in the Deep” say, “See how I leave with every piece of you. Don’t underestimate the things that I will do.” The speaker is shows to be unaffected by the relationship and he/she is trying to show the past lover how easily he/she can walk away from the relationship. The idiom reveals as somewhat of a retribution and gives off a tone that is apathetic. With this tone, it gives off a newfound feeling of confidence the speaker has gained for the speaker is showing that he/she could do better without his/her past lover. The figurative language not only helps explain the major difference from the longing “My Favorite Accident” expresses but it also helps to add on to the theme that relationships do not always work out and that could be for better or for worse. In contrast, “My Favorite Accident” states, “I can’t swim in the silence of your skin-skin please let me in.” The idiom indicates the speaker and the lover may not speak any longer and the speaker is desperate to speak to his/her lover again. As mentioned before, the text reveals a tone that is longing. With the desperation that is indicated
Ha is the main character from Inside Out and Back Again this book is by Thanhha Lai. Her family has been kicked out of there home and, there life is turned inside out. They are forced to move to Alabama, and they are having a are time trying to fit in. They are now living in Alabama with their Cowboy and, his wife. The Cowboy's wife does not like Ha and her family just because they are from Saigon, and they speak another language than they do. In Inside Out and Back Again, Ha and her family’s life turns into a crazy mess. She is forced to move and, she has to get use to a new home. Then, she finally gets accepted by everybody at her school.
Thanhha Lai wrote a novel called “Inside Out & Back Again” which is about a little girl and her family in Vietnam, the little girl is named Ha. Ha and her family are in the city of saigon, the story takes place during the Vietnam war and because of the Vietnam war her and her family’s lives are turned “inside out”. But later everything comes “back again” This story relates to the universal refugee’s life because they themselves are turned “ Inside out and back again”.
A character in the novel Inside Out and Back Again, by Thanhha Lai, changes from the beginning of the novel to the end. The character who changes throughout was Ha. Ha is a 10 year-old girl from Vietnam, who had to leave because of Vietnam War. Ha had to move from a place in which she was so comfortable to go to a place where things were unfamiliar and confusing. Two examples of how Ha evolved was becoming more mature and finding different ways to show her intelligence.
The Lion Behind The Glass How much do we really know about lions? This beautiful beast does not only pridefully take on his role as “King of the Jungle” but he’s is also an inspiration to many of his followers. He is recognized as brave and prideful. Although he’s all of these great things he has a hidden truth. The lion is probably the most terrible dad in the animal kingdom.
Under the lights by Abbie Glines. There are three teens that grew up together in a southern small town. Willa’s mom had her when she was a teenager. Willa had gotten into some trouble at a young age and had to stay with her Nonna. Willa’s two best friends were Gunner and Brady. Willa has made some bad choices in her past life which made her go down the wrong path in life. Brady’s a high school quarter back now and with the choices Willa has made Brady sees Willa as a different person. Gunner is also a football star in high school. Gunner is living a good rich life the only matter though he cares about himself only, except for Willa. He understands the person she has grown into over her time. As they were known to be child hood friends secrets start to come out and the truth may be the reason of them losing each other.
The allusion of the Sirens in each of the song lyrics given creates a mood revolving around hopelessness. In both songs, the allusion reinforces the fact that the speaker wants something that they cannot have, similar to the sailors and the Sirens. In “Carolina,” Eric Church sings, “I’d love to see my mama/ Maybe go for a drive/ But I gotta play the star in some little town again tonight” (Church). This signifies the fact that the artist wants to go back to his hometown, but cannot, because his occupation prevents him.
In his book “Deep Down Dark: The Untold Stories of 33 Men Buried in a Chilean Mine, and the Miracle That Set Them Free,” Hector Tobar recounts the story of 33 miners who spent 69 days trapped more than 2000 feet underground in the Chile’s San Jose mines following the collapse of the mine in 2010. According to Tobar (2015), the disaster began on a day shift around noon when miners working deep inside the mountain excavating minerals started feeling vibrations. A sudden massive explosion then followed and the passageways of the mines filled with dust clouds. Upon settling of the dust, the men discovered that the source of the explosion was a single stone that had broken off from the rest of the mountain and caused a chain reaction leading to
Appearance in today’s society has a significant impact on adolescent girls. Young women are bombarded daily with advertisements of weight loss options such as diets, surgery, and pills. Today’s culture has become overly obsessed with an unrealistic image of what beauty really means. Many works of literature are concerned with this issue as well. Two amazing works of literature that specifically considers this issue are “Barbie Doll” by Marge Piercy and “Hanging Fire” by Audre Lorde. Characters in both poems are compelled by society’s perception of one’s image and struggles with finding their identities. While both texts discuss the age of adolescence and how society’s attitude towards beauty impacts young girls, “Barbie Doll”
In Bruno Mars's song, “Grenade”, he uses words, literary devices, and phrases to show the overall theme of disappointment, heartache, and how some people will do crazy things for the people they love, even if it isn’t a two way street. He uses examples to show a possible past relationship where he loved a girl so much that he would do anything, but she did not return the affection. This ties into the theme of disappointment and heartbreak. Bruno Mars uses literary devices, most commonly hyperboles, to show the theme of heartache and how some people will put everything on the line for love, even if it goes against their own well-being.
Over the past few years, racial tensions in America have heightened. During this period, Black America undergo the daily struggle of witnessing the killing of unarmed black men and women. Victims of these endless killings and police brutality, turned into one of many hashtags, which led to the formations of the Black Lives Matter movement. Solange Knowles, younger sister of Beyoncé, soul singer and songwriter was viewed as the angry black woman. Solange used her platform to speak up. She became the most outspoken black artist for black activism in recent years. She embodies the image of a carefree black girl who is willing to let the world know that she is proud of her blackness.
All of the songs on this album relay different messages to listeners. Most songs contain a lot of pathos, call to action and more. Pathos is really prominent in certain songs such as Sorry, Formation, and Freedom. An excerpt from Sorry says: “Now you want to say you 're sorry/Now you want to call me crying/Now you gotta see me wildin '/Now I 'm the one that 's lying/And I don 't feel bad about it/It 's exactly what you get.” This displays the emotions after getting out of a relationship or during the struggles of it. Other lyrics from this song that display this
What does Paris by The Chainsmokers, Say Something by A Great Big World, and Here Comes Goodbye by Rascal Flatts all have in common? They are break-up songs. Each in their own way, all of these songs are about pain and sadness caused by break-ups.Some of these songs are meant to cause an already sad person to cope with their sadness by pushing them farther into “The Abyss”. A few are meant to touch on the happier memories of the relationship giving someone hope that they will love again. All of these songs, through their lyrics, structure, and rhythm, are all meant to cope with a person's sadness that results from a break-up.
I heard a song by singer/songwriter Ryan Adams about a month ago entitled “Wrecking Ball”. Now, I know those words immediately conjure up an image of Miley Cyrus drooling on a sledgehammer but where I’m going with this is nothing like that, I promise. There was a particular lyric in the song that struck a chord, and truly resonated with me in a way a lyric I didn’t write had in years.
Can an ego be big enough for one to “trip over?” Ego-tripping is something undertaken to boost or draw attention to a person’s own image or appraisal of himself, and or something done primarily to satisfy one’s vanity. Nikki Giovanni was born in Knoxville, Tennessee on June 7. 1943. She graduated with honors from her grandfather’s alma mater Fisk University. The poem Ego-Tripping is about what she perceives as the true identity of an African American women. She explains how being powerful can open so many doors for a person if they just believe in themselves. This poem was written when Giovanni took her first trip to Africa in 1972, the same year the poem was written. The poet explains her past experience to show how lost she was during
This theme is brought through the song by showing multiple literary devices. Such as “I'm the one at sail, I’m the master of my sea”. This metaphor shows the realization and empowerment that oneself can give in a depressing situation. This simile “Falling like ashes to the ground, Hoping my feelings they would drown” compares his feeling of sadness and depression to ashes, and wanting them to drown and vanish, from his life. This line, “All the hate that you’ve heard has turned your spirit to a dove” explains how all of the hate that he has experienced and gone through has turned his feelings around, and decided to look on the bright side of things. Personally I think this is a great