I received this letter this morning and it fills me with pride and joy to find out Adeline is well and is working her way closer and closer to achieve her goals. She is doing what she had always dreamt of doing and is now taking her first major step by going to university, she has worked so hard despite all the hardships she has faced. It killed me a little inside to watch her be pushed away as though she is nothing, she knows they don't want her and no child should ever go through that.
That cruel Niang always picking on her, she has Joseph wrapped around her finger, she manipulates him and he is too naive to realise, he thinks she is doing the right thing by him and his children, yet deep down I think he knows what she is doing, however,
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It was my fault, I gave her the silver dollar to buy her friend, Wu Chun-mei, a gift for her birthday. Adeline had told me about her, about the storm she was trying to walk home in when they kindly offered to drop her home, it was a small gift of thanks. But that was what got poor Adeline caught and accused of these absurd things and to be punished for something that couldn't cause any harm, it was a birthday party for crying out loud... Let the girl live a little! you only get one life. Although she denied telling me their plans that they had informed her of once she had been caught, I could tell what they had in store for us, or for her… Sending her away from me, from my bad influence, how dare they think that. I have only ever put my all into protecting her and trying to give her the love and affection a young child needs and deserves.
How much I would pay to see her again, to see what she has become of, I never saw what everyone saw, the young broken girl with the horrible clothes, I saw a beautiful, intelligent and strong women who has faced more horrendous things then most grown people will see in their whole entire life, to hear the sound of her tinkling laugh and see her beaming smile that hid all her troubles brought me so much pride.I love her more than anything, I love her like she is my own
I cried knowing she was in such a dark place, since I know what that feels like, and she is now getting the help she
Similar to Mr. Shiftlet she can be viewed as selfish. She only cares about her well being and her farm being well kept. To make sure her house and farm are well kept she takes advantage of her daughter by trying to get Mr. Shiftlet to marry her.
In Adelines childhood she says that she felt like she was tossed aside like a piece of garbage. No child should feel like that in their life. "I, The same despised duaghted and publicly rejecttedbyy my parents..." Page 119.Naing constantly ignores her and beats her for breaking small rules. Her father says "Im afriad I've forgoten your name."page 124. Everyone also blames her for her mothers death but later some of her sisters lighten up to her, like her third brother and big sister. Wu chun-mei is also a very big help to Adeline and makes her feel cared about and makes adeline feel that there are still people who care about her well being. She was there for adeline when no one else was. Wu chun mei also would give Adeline rides on rainy days or walk home with her as the
In a way she blames them for her pregnancy, her not being able to take responsibility for her own actions tells something about her character. She also believes when she was kidnapped her parents weren't suspicious that something was wrong, they believed she simply ran away, because they found out she was pregnant. This shows that the character is very harsh in her assumption and rarely gives people the benefit of the doubt. I try not to do this by giving everyone a fair chance.
her father trusted him. It makes her sad and fearful of the power that her father possesses. She is
Before Ms. Taylor died, she was battling cancer, high blood pressure, and a diabetes which caused her husband’s life to be taken by stress. When I was taking care of her, she had only two children, both girls, and one grandson. I did not get the pleasure to meet her husband because he passed 10 years before had gotten sick. I knew she was depressed about her husband’s death, in which she almost gave up on living, but once I came along, I was able to give her that spark that she needed so desperately to keep living. Her daughters had lives of their own. One was a successful teacher, and the other was an executive manager of a company in North Dakota. The only grandson, who she felt had so many options in life, did not know which academic career path to follow
She has no control over her destiny, no control over Macduff’s actions and makes no attempt to save herself or her son from death.
What makes a child determine at such a young age to defy her mom on every hand for the rest of their life? The sad realization that Ni’Kan would rather see her mother angry at her than disappointed in her became her revelation.
And even though the situation is not in her favor, she perseveres. And I respect that, regardless of all the bad choices, all the things life threw at her, she grew up and kept trying because she had someone to support. And when she learned her time was growing near, she didn’t just sit back and die in regret. She tried her very best to fix things.
In 2011 Angela Hamberger (who is now 21) was interviewed by The Candie’s Foundation. She tells the foundation of her story when she got pregnant with her son and the challenges she faces. She gave birth when she was nineteen and not aloud to see the father of her child, therefore forcing her to become a single mom. It was not easy for her to be a single mom. After a month of being a newly single aged mom she was diagnosed with depression caused from all the stress and frustration brought down on her from family and life itself. Over the two years her son has been alive they have moved four times and yet to find a stable home. Her son is very happy and healthy and shows no signs or being affected by his mother’s depression.
She is bossy to the other servants, we see this in the beginning when she gives orders to Peter and bosses him around. She is not very intelligent, and is a fairly simple person,
As she spoke I couldn’t wait to share my daughter’s story with her! My precious baby that was sitting contently in her car seat, full of dark, soft, fluffy hair and had been fortunate… her birth mom had been incarcerated for almost her entire pregnancy so she was unable to get her drug fix until she was released. I believe while she spent her days clean, she had a clear mind that fell in love with this life growing inside of her. Even though she went right back to her same habits after being released, I think that time with a clear head gave her this unbelievable love for her baby girl. As soon as that baby was born and
In that car ride to what would be one of several temporary homes, I resolved to never have hope again. I silently made a vow that I would not allow myself to let anything or anyone engender groundless optimism in me after that day. The years leading to this cynical oath were the hardest I ever underwent, leaving permanent scars (both emotional and physical) I would never outgrow. But the day they took us away was the day my world fell apart, and it was undoubtedly my breaking point. I stayed strong for my younger brothers; I had to take care of them seeing as all the foster parents we lived with were elderly. But all throughout the ordeal with courts and foster families and multiple new schools, I felt smaller and smaller inside. I would occasionally look at the self-harm scars on my left arm and wish with all my might to be back with my father and stepmother, because at least then I would be somewhere familiar. I felt that misery and suicidal thoughts were a fair compromise if it meant I would be in a place I
I am hurt to see how everyday families are getting evicted, payment statements, and etc and having enough courage to show this live on the news or internet. You can see the pain that is shown on their faces. It does something to me on the inside every time I watch things like that because I could have been in their postion and I can feel the hurt they are experiencing. I just pray to God that they have the strength to move forward in life and things will get better. I am thankful that God allowed me to stay in a stable and healthy postion that I’m in today.
She worships Mr. Ramsay and has the time appropriate attitude that she is not "good enough to tie his shoe strings".(P.32) As Mr. Ramsay makes demands on her, she always outwardly succumbs to his needs or desires. When he wants sympathy, she is there filling the house for him; when the children have needs, she places there needs ahead of hers. She empathizes when necessary, and does all that she can to be there for them. All this she attributes to her being a woman, as if this were the only role a woman should take, later supported in her conversations with Lily and Paul about marriage. Although she may question this philosophy inwardly, on the surface she sees this as her role, "they came to her, naturally, since she was a woman", and she is there for them.(p.32)