
Adhd Persuasive Speech

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When people are asked to describe a person with ADD or ADHD, they usually think of someone that is always hyperactive and does not pay attention or follow directions/rules, but that is not always the case. There are many people out there that that have ADD or ADHD that are not hyperactive at all, they are the quiet people in the corner that never talks in class unless they absolutely have to. There are two guys named Ethan Chow and Kainoa Adolfo, they both have ADHD and they both take medicine to control their actions. When they don’t take their medicine, Ethan can literally start bouncing off the walls and start to stutter, Kainoa isn’t as bad as Ethan, but he talks a lot more and starts to go off topic more often. People with ADD or ADHD …show more content…

Kids that have ADD/ADHD have a hard time following directions, they are fidgety or just really quiet and does not say anything.(ADD/ADHD in Children) When speaking in public, the speaker is supposed to know just about everything about the topic, have confidence, be able to understand any question thrown at them and have an answer. If the speaker has ADD or ADHD, then the speech will go off topic or the speaker will be really engaged in the speech that they do not pay attention to the audience. Adults have chances that they might have carried some symptoms with them when they were little. If an adult wasn’t diagnosed with ADD/ADHD when they were a child, it doesn’t mean that they cannot get one of the two disorders.(Adult ADD/ADHD). This means that as an adult they do not necessarily grow out of their old habits and this means that they could still have the problems that they had when they were small. As people grow up, they develop habits, some good and some bad, they bad ones like fidgeting and staring off into space are some that can stay with people as they grow …show more content…

One of the medications that people with ADHD can take is a liquid release medicine called Quillivant XR, taken once a day. This medication can have adjusted dosing prescribed by the doctor and has shown significant improve attention and behavior in children but can also by adolescents and adults. (What is Quillivant XR?) This is one of the ways that can help people deal with the disorder and improve other skills that they lack in. In some cases, people have shown barely any emotion while on medication for ADD or ADHD, not necessarily this specific medication, but there are people that are like that on their medication. There is a difference between medication for ADD and ADHD, there is a chart for the different ADHD medications out there on WebMD and the different effects it can have on the people taking it. This would help to the differentiate the different side effects and time how long each of the medications last. This is a great thing to have when a person first gets diagnosed with ADHD because this can help make the best choice for medication for everyone’s

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