The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN 2015) believes that education has a significant impact on the knowledge and competencies of the nurse clinician, as it does for all health care providers. Nurses with Bachelor of Science in nursing degrees are well-prepared to meet the demands placed on today's nurse (The American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2015). BSN nurses are prized for their skills in critical thinking, leadership, case management, and health promotion, and for their ability to practice across a variety of inpatient and outpatient settings.
It is proven that hospitals with a more educated nursing workforce have lower mortality rates and better patient outcomes. This does not mean that ADN-prepared nurses
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I believe providing safe patients’ care has to do with clinical skills and experience; however, as a nurse, I think everything I learned or know clinical wise, I got it from my 2 years nursing program, I believe that is where I got my foundation. I am really happy and excited about obtaining my BSN, and I have learned a lot through this program especially about research methodologies, leadership and management, but when it comes to care practice that will affect patient outcomes as far as mortality or safety, I will say I did not learn that much. I think an ADN nurse can be as good as a BSN nurse; however, having a BSN will be a better idea because that is the requirement nowadays for most healthcare organizations, and will open doors to great opportunities. Nursing is a huge and welcoming field. It offers a satisfying career path for both ADN and BSN trained nurses. Whatever path somebody choses in nursing, the essential wisdom is to continue enhancing your skills and education so that your community, your organization and your patients benefit from your broadened view of the
They determined that patients needing surgery have a "substantial survival advantage" (Aiken, Clark, Cheung, Sloan, & Silber, 2003) if treated in hospitals with higher ratios of nurses educated at the baccalaureate degree level. They too determined through this research that the more nurses holding BSN degrees help decrease the risk of patients dying and the ability to determine the patient is in distress. This research provides the evidence that nurses with a BSN degree have a better comprehension in their ability to formulate nursing diagnoses and evaluate nursing interventions. (Giger & Davidhizar, 1990) BSN degree nurses also demonstrate improved professional integration and research/evaluation skills. (The Future of Nursing:Leading Change, Advancing Health, 2012)
The researchers determined that for every 10% increase in nurses at the BSN level, there was a 4% decrease in patient death ("AACN Fact Sheet," 2012). From this study it can be ascertained that a BSN nurse can perform at a more competent and safe level for patients. The amount of knowledge regarding patient care and skills between ADN and BSN prepared nurses is very similar. The BSN however has supplemental skills in critical thinking and communication that allow them to look at and solve problems differently. A BSN is more likely to utilize evidence based practice and team problem solving to minimize their margin of error.
There are numerous studies depicting the correlation between the four-year degree nursing education and improved patient outcomes. In the August 2008 edition of Health Services Research, Dr. Christopher Friese and associates identified a link between patient outcomes and nursing education level. They determined that moving to a nursing practice environment with a higher proportion of baccalaureate prepared nurses led to a significant decrease in the mortality of hospitalized cancer patients who underwent surgery. In addition to lowered mortality rates, patients also experienced lower failure to rescue rates. In a separate study published by the Journal of Advanced Nursing, researchers at the University of Toronto resolved that facilities with a greater number of BSN prepared nurses had lower 30-day mortality rates. For every 1,000 patients discharged, a 10% increase in the number of baccalaureate degree nurses resulted in 9 fewer deaths (Rosster,
According to Creasia (2010), “The first baccalaureate nursing program was established in the United States at the University of Minnesota in 1909” and many programs were 5 years long (p. 4). Today, the BSN program is a 4-year college degree offered at universities, private schools and community colleges throughout our nation. The BSN degree graduate has many advantages over an ADN degree graduate and these might include: career paths that are only open to nurses with a BSN degree including administrative positions and minimum requirement for advanced practice nursing (APN). Furthermore, the BSN graduates get extensive training in components that might include: quality and patient safety, evidence-based practice, information management, clinical prevention/population health, and professional values, all of which are essential as nursing care becomes more complex (Creasia, 2010, p. 4). One of the biggest disadvantages of having a BSN degree is that the legal scope of practice is undifferentiated due to being awarded the same license as an ADN graduate “hindering the reward system for leadership responsibilities” (Creasia, 2010, p. 16).
BSN nurses not only provide more complex aspects of daily care and patient education, but also design and coordinate a comprehensive plan of nursing care for the entire length of a patient's stay from pre-admission to post-discharge, including supervising nurses aides and other unlicensed assistive personnel, designing discharge and teaching plans for patients, and collaborating with patient, physicians, family members, and other hospital departments and resource personnel.
Nurses a with Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree (BSN) are known for their skills in critical thinking, leadership, case management, health promotion, and for their ability to practice across a variety of inpatient and outpatient healthcare settings. These nurses are well-prepared to meet the demands placed on today's nurse.
There is also an increased advantage to having a BSN when attempting to move beyond a staff nurse position. A study conducted by Kearney (1994), on academic advising of RN to BSN students, found that one of the main motivations for returning to school for RNs was the gained potential for promotion. BSN programs will provide more course work focusing on leadership and communication skills, which are essential for advancement within the workforce. Based on the findings by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in 2004, BSN prepared nurses only accounted for approximately 30 percent of the workforce, with the majority of practicing registered nurses only holding associate degrees. It’s easy to see how it would significantly improve one’s advantage for promotion by acquiring a BSN, due to the significantly low number of BSNs in comparison to ADNs within the workforce. The BSN might be the only difference to give that slight edge needed for
Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing is Four year Program accredited by a university or a college. Having bachelor’s degree in the science of nursing (BSN) can lead us in many direction in the carrier. It is a steppingstone. Like ADN the BSN program also follows their core curriculum, adult health, maternal and newborn nursing, pediatric nursing and community health nursing. In generally speaking many advance nursing positions requires a BSN. BSN nurses are prized to their skills in critical thinking, leadership, case management and health promotion. Studies also have found that the nurses prepared at the baccalaureate level have stronger communication and problem solving skills.
“Programs provide a solid liberal education and substantive upper division nursing major. Both components are combined in ways that prepare a nurse generalist who is able to provide professional nursing services in beginning leadership positions in a variety of settings” (Friberg, 2011, p. 87-88). Obtaining a BSN can open up more job opportunities for a person and in most cases makes you more desirable to employers. Many nurses get burnt out from being floor nurses so if you have your BSN you have the option to move into management or many other areas like insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, research jobs or even a clinical instructor. “Research shows they use evidence based practice for better patient outcomes.” (Moore, n.d.) “ As also stated in the same article “numerous research studies have demonstrated that the ADN and BSN nurses are not different in skill competency when they graduate, but within a year, the BSN nurses show greater critical thinking skills better problem solving, and the development of clinical judgment; three skills of increasing importance for the increase in acuity of patients in hospitals and other health care settings.” (Moore, n.d.)
Furthermore according to American Association of College of Nursing, “the baccalaureate degree is designed to prepare nurses for work within the growing and changing health care environment. With nurses taking more active role in the health care, they are expected to develop critical thinking and communication skills in addition to receiving training in clinics and hospital”(American Association of College of Nursing) .
The BSN program of nursing concentrates on studies that affect the patient as a whole. They are able to perceive and comprehend the nature and significance of each individual in their care. Nurses with their BSN degree are trained in skills to include case management, leadership, critical thinking and health promotion for the betterment of the patient. They are able to apply the skills acquired during their education to both inpatient and outpatient scenarios (Rosseter, 2011, ¶ 1). Having nurses with a BSN degree will benefit patients across the spectrum due
In addition to the content taught in ADN programs, the humanistic BSN education encompasses more of the physical and social sciences (Impact of Education, 2011). The BSN nurse is better prepared to work more independently, therefore is well qualified to practice in healthcare systems outside of the hospital. Bachelor programs “prepare professional nurse generalists for acute care settings, community-based practice, and beginning leadership /management positions” (Creasia & Friberg, 2011, p. 32). This course of study is crucial to the delivery of good, safe, quality patient care. There have been several research studies completed to see if there is a correlation between higher RN education level and better patient outcomes. Several studies concluded there is decrease in mortality rates within hospitals that employee a greater percentage of bachelor prepared nurses (Creating a More, 2011).
The battle between Associate vs. Bachelors have been raging over years. The debate seems to be heavily to receive in BSN and or higher education. The American Nurses Association (ANA), American Association of College of Nursing and Institute of Medicine (IOM) have published many articles, facts and book about the important of a nurse to become BSN or higher educations. Just by researching between the ADN and BSN the developments and growth are very different. Using the description from Grand Canyon University College of Nursing Philosophy, “Baccalaureate nursing practice incorporates
Some studies show that “The effect of 10% more Bachelors of Science in Nursing Degree nurses decreases the odds on both outcomes in all hospitals, regardless of their work environment by roughly 4%” (Aiken, Cimiotti, Sloane, Smith, Flynn, & Neff, 2011). In addition, a survey conducted by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN, 2011) showed that 30.1 % of employers require the BSN for new hires and 76.6% strongly prefer BSN prepared nurses. CONCERNS ABOUT RETURNING TO SCHOOL
“Throughout the last decade, policymakers and practice leaders have recognized that education makes a difference” (Impact of Education, n.d.). Hospitals are also trending towards preferred hiring of bachelors prepared nurses for their workforce. Even national organizations are jumping on the bandwagon requiring “all nurse managers and nurse leaders to hold a baccalaureate or graduate degree in nursing by 2013” (Impact of Education, n.d.), likewise the Institute of Medicine has also recommended that all hospitals have at least 80% of their nursing staff with a BSN or higher by the year 2020 (Impact of Education, n.d.).