In 1993, Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, dooming six million Jews and most of Europe. Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler Chancellor of Germany hoping it would help him regain control of the government and make the Nazis content. The conditions that allowed Hitler to rise to power were the Depression, loss of jobs, the humiliating reparation payments to the winners of World War 1, and the people’s willingness to blame someone for their troubles. One of the main reasons Hitler was abloe to come to power was the bad economy. “Stock market crash...banks failed,factories closed, and millions of people lost their jobs.” (Smith, 5) People had little money, not enough to buy food, but Hitler promised everyone would have food and jobs
After Germany’s humiliating defeat in World War I, Germans had little faith in their government, and in the early 1930s following the stock market crash in New York, Germany was economically struggling . Millions of people were out of work due to the world wide catastrophe making it an opportune time for Hitler and the Nazis to rise into power. Hitler, who was a powerful and spellbinding speaker, attracted Germans desperate for change. He promised to make Germany a better country and promised the disenchanted, a better life. Nazis appealed especially to the youth, unemployed, and members of the lower to middle class. Hitler’s rise to power seemed instantaneous. Before the economic depression, Nazis were virtually unknown, winning less than 3 percent of the vote to the Reichstag, which was the German Parliament. However, in the 1924 elections, the Nazis won a whopping 33 percent of the votes which was more than any other party. In January of 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor, the head of German Government . The Germans were convinced that they had found a savior for the Nation. The timing of his rise made it very easy for Hitler to gain power in a democratic government because people were hopeless and wanted a fast solution to the deficit. He promised things like a stronger economy, prosperity, and anything that they desired . He focused on first getting noticed and then grew from there. He didn’t say anything but what the people wanted to hear. Getting the people of Germany to trust him was how he started to gain so much control. Unfortunately, Hitler’s charm and persuasion was not the sole reason why Hitler gained so much power in a democratic
After WWI, Germany fell into poverty. Everyday, lines of people were seen in the streets waiting to purchase bread. People were poor and desperate. Hitler saw this and used it. He gave people hope and the economy improved and he was announced chancellor of Germany in 1933. Government suspected he was unstable, but were convinced they could control him if necessary. Hitler secretly made a new police called the Nazis who were Hitler’s supporters and enforced the law at Hitler’s command. Quickly and unknowingly, the government was no longer in control of Hitler. Hitler had full power of Germany.
The economic misery, the belief that things would only get worse, as well as frustration over their government’s inability to manage the depression was the perfect breeding ground for the spread of Adolf Hitler’s fascism. He was an extremely powerful speaker, and had an ability to tap into the anger felt by a lot of Germans (“The Nazis Rise To Power”).
Hitler’s assumption of power on the 30th of January 1933 was seemingly due to the mass popularity of the Nazi party. However it was far off achieving the 50% majority it needed to put Hitler automatically in power. As well as popularity, backstairs intrigue and the short-sightedness of those in power enabled Hitler to become Chancellor. The weaknesses of Germany’s political leadership were fundamental to Hitler’s success. In some senses the popularity of the party only provided an opening, available for exploitation.
Hitler could not have come into power if the German economy had been healthy and strong. There are many reasons that attributed to his rise in the ranks. Strong vocal support, becoming chancellor, touching into the hate buried deep inside the hearts of impoverished Germans everywhere. I think inflation and going out of your comfort zone is what influenced previously wealthy Germans to make Adolf their leader. They wanted luxury, and they wanted revenge.
In the following investigation, the following question will be addressed: In what ways did economic and political issues in Germany between 1922 and 1932 contribute to Hitler's rise to power? The scope of my research will fall between the years of 1922-1932, the start of Hitler’s attempt to run for office. A variety of primary and secondary sources will be used to answer the question. The bitterness caused upon the change of government systems in Germany will be analyzed, along with his childhood that all primarily drove Hitler to run for power. Then, the harsh effects World War I had on Germany along with the Great Depression that followed as a result will also be looked at. Finally, a conclusion will be reached.
Hitler got into power through several reasons. The German people wanted change, the great depression let the Nazi party get more seats but the situation before the great depression was dire still, the government was still very weak, Hitler was an excellent orator, and his election strategies were unique and highly effective, and the pure genius of Goebbels’ propaganda influenced many German citizens both high class and poor. Though the great depression was a key reason Hitler got into power, it wasn’t the sole reason he got into power. The Great Depression was a major issue worldwide but especially affected Germany.
The Nazi party was banned and Hitler was not allowed to speak publicly (until 1928 in Prussia) . The Nazi Party fell apart. The Munich Putsch was one of the least important reasons why he was able to rise into power. Before the Great Depression, Hitler gained very few votes (the Nazis had only 12 seats in 1928) and would have continued to do so without the Depression. Hitler's amazing oratorical, personality and leadership skills also helped him rise into power.
Hitler’s rise to power was because of The Great Depression in 1929. Hitler was a strong,
Another key element for Hitler’s gain of excessive power was the Great Depression. “Due to America 's large trade industries, the depression quickly spread all over the world. This put Germany into a dire state as unemployment rocketed” (The Truth About Hitler’s Rise To Power, n.d). With the rise of unemployment Hitler was able to gain more votes through promising more employment opportunities for Germany. “The depression was important as Hitler could prey on these people, and these people came, not in thousands, but millions” (The Truth About Hitler’s Rise To Power, n.d). The depression was key element in Hitler’s rise to power. The Northstar Report says that, “Without the great depression…Hitler wouldn 't have got anywhere near to achieving the role of chancellor” (The Truth About Hitler’s Rise To Power, n.d). But with the Great
On 30th January 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany. There was some political scheming between the leaders which allowed Hitler to become the chancellor. There were factors that helped the Nazis and Hitler to become popular and rise to power. Some factors were long-term reasons such as Treaty of Versailles which indirectly helped Hitler to become chancellor because the Weimur Republic could not pay the reparations payment. The weakness of the Weimur Republic is another long-term reason, giving the Nazis opportunities to tak actions and persuade people to vote for them.
Hitler's Becoming a Dictator There are many factors that allowed Hitler to seize power in 1934. One reason was the Munich Putsch, which put Hitler in jail and allowed him to write “Mein Kampf” and the 25-point programme, which helped him to win votes. Another reason was the Wall Street crash, which caused another depression in Germany, which made people vote for the Nazi party. Another reason Hitler was able to come into power was the Reichstag fire, which the Nazis blamed on a communist and this affected the 1933 Election in their favour.
Germany’s Depression- Hitler Rise to Fame Because Germany was going through a depression the people of Germany looked for hope and they found it in Hitler, so with them believing so much in him he used that to gain power and form the Nazi party. 6. Economic Crisis- Hitler’s a powerful politician now??
The instability created by the first world war paved the way for the rise of Adolf Hitler. Hitler rode to power in an economically and politically weak Germany. He stoked the nascent fears of the Germans and used it to achieve his pinnacle of power.
Many wonder how Hitler even came to power in the first place and more importantly why many adored him. Well, Hitler came to power and was adored by many because of long-term bitterness and deep anger among Germans because of World War I, Germany had an ineffective Constitution that was crippling the government, Hitler was a wealthy businessman