How would you feel if someone took away your ability to live? Imagine not having any say in whether or not you can have a life. Abortions shouldn’t be legal. No matter how you look at it, killing a baby in its mother womb is murder in first degree, and all the babies deserves a chance to have a life.
Adoption is a viable alternative to abortion. For example, you get pregnant and you don’t want your baby, instead of kill the baby you can give the baby to someone who cannot have one. This implies that the only reason a woman would want to get an abortion is to avoid raising a child.
Abortions are dangerous not only because abortion kill and innocent human being in the womb; but abortion is also more dangerous to the mother than if she were
Abortion should be illegal in the United States of America. Since abortion was made legal in 1973, almost 57 million babies have been murdered by abortion. At the rate of 2,900 babies aborted a day, or 1,058,500 a year, the death toll is averaging almost double the deaths caused by the “leading cause of death” in the U.S., heart disease. These are 57 million people, who could've grown up to cure cancer, or found a reliable and abundant clean source of energy. Also, women who have had abortions almost always are psychologically affected in some form or another. These affects include, but are not limited to; regret, anger, guilt, shame, sense of loneliness or isolation, anxiety and depression, and suicidal thoughts or feelings/actions. In fact,
Adoption can replace abortion. One in a half million families long for a child through adoption. Abortion is the easy way out. Women go in for a procedure and leave. These women carry around the regret of killing a human being which you can never forget or
Adoption is the best option out there because it gives unborn babies an opportunity for a better life, and to be able to see, and become successful human beings. In the article “Stop calling abortion a ‘difficult decision”, by Janet Haris, is the president of
For instance, there are many more options instead of abortion. Some people can not have children on their own, so adoption for the child is better than no life. There also option where the mother can have an open adoption, that allows her to see her child but someone else takes care
One reason why abortion is wrong is because there are many other safer solutions. In the article, Why Do More People Choose Abortion Over Adoption?, Kristi Burton Brown stated: “In the USA, there are approximately two million infertile couples waiting to adopt, many times regardless of the child’s medical problems such as Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida, HIV infection or terminally ill. Dr. Brad Imler, President of America’s Pregnancy Helpline, confirms the challenge of waiting couples by stating: Only 1% of the Helpline’s annual 40,000 clients inquires about adoption.” Putting him/her up for adoption will give them a better chance at a happier life rather than abortion. The solution for a baby should not be death. If it was for a selfish solution, you're sacrificing a life many other families would love to raise as their own.
Unwed mothers are frequently unsupported in keeping the child leading to a greater number of abortions.
Choosing to go through an abortion and placing a child up for adoption are quite different matters to analyze. Simply, going through with an abortion is murder by killing a child. Where as, if you were to put a child up for adoption you are giving that child a chance to live. Enduring an abortion may to some people be a convenience; abortion is a quick way of dealing with this problem. Adoption can be seen as a long and grueling process. However, they are both mentally damaging; in both cases the parents, or parent have to give up a child and a life. In some adoption cases some people choose to take back their child; but for others the decision is indefinite. Both situations must be seriously considered and measured.
In the United states a child is aborted every 30 seconds. Just in 2017 there have been 997,437 and is going up every 30 seconds (Kell). This is a crazy amount for only one year, people shouldn’t be getting pregnant if they don’t want a baby or aren’t going to give it up for adoption. Getting an abortion is taking an innocent life, some women require psychological help after getting an abortion, we should have adoption over abortion, and if people consider infanticide illegal then why isn’t abortion illegal. These women are hurting themselves along with the growing fetus inside of them. There have also been instances when doctors have tried to provide an abortion and the child ends up living. People shouldn’t be allowed to have abortions, it should be illegal.
Did you know that abortion is common for around 1 of every 3 women in the United States (Camosy 17)? Abortion became a bigger problem in The United States in 1973 when it was made legal. Roe v. Wade was a case in Texas where a woman named Norma McCorvey wanted to have an abortion. She filed a lawsuit on behalf of herself and every other pregnant woman saying that it is an “invasion of privacy”(Roe v. Wade, The Free Dictionary). In 1973, the Supreme Court had ruled that the Texas law was unlawful. They allowed abortion to be legal, but it was too late because she had already had her child two years beforehand (Roe v. Wade, The Free Dictionary). Since Roe v. Wade, there have been around 55 million abortions. Twenty-one percent of pregnancies
In conclusion, “adoption can change the life of a child in need,” ( Adoption is an better alternative to getting an abortion. Adoption let’s everyone,such as, single parents or same sex couples have the opportunity to start a family because of infertility or just because they have an caring heart.
How would you feel of your right to live was taken from you? Abortion does exactly that, it takes way the right of a child to live. The fetuses in their mother’s womb are killed and cannot do anything about it. Abortion should be illegal because it kills a potential living being, harms the women’s health, demean the value of life and erode responsibility.
How would you feel if someone took away your ability to live. Imagine if someone felt that you were so unimportant or unwanted that you shouldn’t even get a chance. Over 54 million unborn children have been killed since 1973.
In the reproductive health context, abortion is still a controversial topic that still being discussed by many organizations and government body. The World Health Organization (WHO) show the meaning about unsafe abortion as a procedure for terminating a pregnancy performed by persons lacking the significant skills or in an environment, not in conformity with minimal medical standards, or both. In Cambodia, because of poor health care system and the poverty the women, especially in the rural areas are decided to get unsafe abortion services from traditional medical practitioners or other unqualified healthcare providers. These activities are really dangerous.
The choice between adoption and abortion changes millions of lives every day. Some advocates of abortion feel if the mother of the child thinks that she will not be a good parent or thinks she will harm the child, that she has the right to abort the child. Abortion is a life changing decision and has the reputation of being an easy way out of an unwanted pregnancy. Adoption, on the other hand, is one way for a woman who is not prepared to be a parent to provide her child the best life possible without being involved in the child’s life. According to national estimates, one million children in the United States live with adoptive parents and from 2% to 4% of American families include an adopted
No one should have the right to discard of a human being whether they're pro-choice or not. It should be illegal. Humanity is the qualities that make us human. The ability to love and have compassion, to be creative, and not be an alien. Once your baby is conceived, it is alive and breathing. Taking away the baby's right to live should be considered manslaughter. We protect bald eagles, trees & plants, whales, and rain forests, but a living, breathing unborn baby with rights of his own can be aborted? That makes no sense