The Mandel School is the right fit for me because of my passion to be an adoption agent, my leadership skills from work and my experiences while getting my bachelor’s degree. I left Russia at nine years of age when an American couple adopted me. They would soon find out that I had two sisters back in the orphanage. Being the amazing couple they are, two months later they adopted my sisters as well. If it wasn’t for the adoption agent who worked tirelessly to navigate my parents through the adoption process and helped me comprehend the new life that laid ahead of me, I do not think I would have ever had the chance to be part of a loving family as well as having my biological sisters at my side. I want to be able to offer children and parents the gift of family as I was given. The Children, Youth and Families program is exactly what will help me achieve my goal to be an adoption agent and enable me to become an advocate for children and families. Working together with families domestically on a case basis is what I want my career to be. …show more content…
Working at a daycare solidified my passion of working with kids. After six great years at the daycare and a Bachelors of Arts from University Of Washington, I pursued a different path of working with children on the Autism spectrum. Here I could physically see the changes in behavior and socialization that I facilitated through Applied Behavior Analysis. Although, do to an unforeseen cut in hours I had to leave; an opportunity presented itself back at a daycare. Leadership is necessary when you are a lead assistant and are looking after twenty kids. It is through my leadership skills that the kids learn and practice how to be great leaders themselves. Having a mutual respect between them and me is crucial, alongside having open communication among not only us but between their peers as well. Concluding
Other areas that I exhibit leadership qualities are through babysitting, volunteering though the Delta Dental Foundation, and acting in the play “Treasure Island.” I believe that by babysitting I exhibit leadership qualities such as; being dependable, being able to delegate responsibilities, being able to communicate with the children and their parents, and having a positive attitude. This is because in order to successfully watch children and keep them safe it is important to not only be in control, but to have earned the respect of the children you are watching. Secondly, I believe that volunteering through the Delta Dental Foundation I exhibit leadership qualities such as; being resourceful, being understanding, and exemplifying positive
I am a qualified Childcare Practitioner with 12 years’ experience, who would love the opportunity to embark on a career as a Primary Teacher. I am currently employed in a local authority pre-five nursery class within a Primary School. I aspire to become a teacher as I feel it will offer me new challenges and a chance to further develop my love of teaching. I am a dedicated worker and continually strive to provide high standards. I also promote confidence, respect and compassion to ensure all members of the nursery and school are respected.
Being a parent transformed me in unexpected ways. I found myself wanting to provide for my daughter and later my son the same security and benefits my parents had provided for me. I found a job at University Children’s Center. UCC provides care for children from the ages of 6 weeks to 6 years and I wanted to be close to my children. I worked with all the age groups but found my niche in the infant program. I enjoyed the close bonds I was able to form with both the babies and their families. I took great pride in creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. I took classes to become Infant Nursery Room Supervisor. Once again, I excelled in my studies and enjoyed the learning process. Bringing the information I learned into the classroom was
All members of the staff must act as professionals while at work, especially with young children. The administrative and teaching staff must work together to ensure their practices are developmentally appropriate, and share new and/or creative ideas with one another. It is also the responsibility of a teacher to establish an open, trusting relationship with the parents of each children in their care. Thus, parents can freely communicate their thoughts, concerns, and/or suggestions about their child or the program. Parent satisfaction is something that every child care or development center should strive for.
i try my best to show great leadership with in my dance studio. im am one of the oldest, which brings great responsibilty. I hope that the little girls see me as a role model, one who is repsectable, always try my best and never back down from a challenge. My biggest influnce i try to give is to never give up. even if you cant get it then there,with practice and dertermination anything can be down. within the past three years, ive been a assiatant/ student teacher under A Step Above. Watching the girls grow throughout the year is a wonderful sight,and being able to contrubute to the growth is a reward.
Literature states that leadership is displayed as a persistent and positive activity (Fitzgerald and Gunter, 2008 cited in Siraj-Blachford and Hallet, 2014, pg.9). According to Rodd (2006), early childhood practitioners need to be effective leaders to make sure their roles and responsibilities are carried out effectively. Although leadership can be learned or developed, it is important that all individual gains access to professional training and opportunities to practice, refined and broadened (Rodd, 2006). Therefore, the importance of leadership and implementation to the setting is recognized by all Early Years Leaders. Leadership can be displayed as a process in which one person, usually it is the leaders role and responsibility to set the purpose or direction for one or more other persons. Then later on gets them to move along together with him or her and with each other in that direction with competence and fill commitment. (Jacques and Clement, 1994, cited in Briggs and Briggs, 2009). Siraj-Blatchford and Hallet (2014) adds that leadership is also known as a process for personal and professional learning and development; organizational change and improvement. Rodd (2013) defines leaders working in early childhood sector as people who are able to influence the behaviours of others to achieve a certain goal or planned outcome. Similarly, leadership in the early childhood sector appears to be more of a result to groups of people who work together to influence and inspire
Leadership is a sociocultural construct underpinned by the beliefs and values of a society (Waniganayake, Cheeseman, Fenech, Hadley, & Shepherd, 2012). Leadership in early childhood have shifted the focus from one designated leader into a more collective approach – distributed leadership, which is not about delegating. As Cheeseman (2012) states, in early childhood settings, attention is often directed at administrative and management leadership (Waniganayake et al., 2012); however it is important to have a designated leader in the areas of development and implementation of curriculum and pedagogy – being the educational leader as a requirement of the National Quality Framework – whilst at the same time see educational leadership as a
My most enduring passion is the care of foster children. This interest sprouted several years ago when my aunt and uncle first became foster parents. Since then, as I have loved and tended to the children in their care, it has grown into a full-fledged desire to base my career on ameliorating these children’s lives. I aspire to pursue a career in law so that I may one day fight for their prosperity and facilitate their adoptions into loving homes. Studying Political Science would allow me to achieve these goals by preparing me for law school. Along with the ability to lead me towards my desired career path, this major encompasses a plethora of captivating subjects: government, problem solving, critical thinking, writing, philosophy and ethics,
My sister Katie feels like she “doesn’t belong” with my family. As kids, we used to play dress up with one another and Katie would always ask my mom to make her have blonde hair just as I did. My mom would then put a yellow towel on her head so that she could pretend she did. As a child I could not understand why Katie would want to do such a silly thing to try and look as I did. In my eyes we were both the same and nothing else mattered. As we got older, it became more apparent to me how different we really were. I am Caucasian and she is Native American. I have blonde hair and blue eyes while she has black hair and brown eyes. Not only did we look very different but our personalities differed as well. Katie was always much more fussy
The necessity of adoption in the world is astounding. Currently, there is an estimated 143 million orphans worldwide (Wingert, vol.151). As of 2007, there were 513,000 children living in foster care within the United States alone (Rousseau 21:14). International adoption in the United States was jumpstarted post World War II as a way of helping those children who were left homeless, after war had taken their parents. Although there are thousands of healthy children awaiting adoption in the United States, several American couples still turn to foreign adoption when seeking potential children. Americans often fail to realize the need for intervention within their own country and their duty to take care of domestic affairs before venturing to
Working as an after-school childcare supervisor I have encountered a variety of individuals and families with different experiences. One
Adoption is metamorphosing into a radical new process that is both sweeping the nation and changing it. But this process is not an easy one, there are many steps to go through. Through research it is made a lot easier. Adoption is a also a highly visible example of a social institution that has benefits from and been reshaped by both the Internet and the exponential growth of alternative lifestyles, from single to transracial to gay. It is accelerating our transformation into a more multicultural society; even as it helps redefine out understanding of “family.” The process includes three main steps including a type of adoption, the techniques for location a baby for adoption, arranging
My mother was all I had in this world. It has been two weeks and I
While there are “people” around the world working in childcare centers that serve as poor role models whom are only there for the paycheck, there are amazing human service workers that serve as teachers that have a significant impact as a role model to provide appropriate skills needed for social and cognitive development to last a lifetime. In an article from the Early Childhood Education Journal (2013) the author states that “Quality teacher-child interactions in early childhood classrooms have repeatedly been paired with positive, emotional, behavioral and cognitive outcomes for children” (Thomason & La Paro, 2013). Indeed, a caregiver whom has a sincere, warm, and understanding heart will be more effective in teaching and will have more of an impact on how and what
Adopting a child is an experience that promises to bring great joy as it changes a couple or individual’s life forever. But what happens if the mother of that child wants to endorse their child? Those are the issues that many adopting parents and birth-right mothers are facing today. Many biological mothers want their child back. There are many concerns for adopting parents to know- that there is the possibly that the birth mother may file for the child. As a birth mother or the adopting parent one must realize consequences that could lay ahead.