Abortion Issues Abortion is an option like being good or bad. It’s an option every woman can do if needed or wanted. For example if the soon to be mother/father don’t have enough money or are not ready to be parents they can abort the soon to become child. If they don’t wish to abort then don’t do it right? Well there are some people that say otherwise. Abortion doesn’t have to be done if not wanted. Image if they kept the child, the child would have a poor life without having what it needs. Sure the parent could put it for adoption but you’re not 100% sure she/he would get adopted. These are the reasons why I believe women should have the choice to abort. I understand that some people have different believes but everyone pays their consequences.
How would you feel if someone took away your ability to live? Imagine not having any say in whether or not you want to have a life. Well babies have no choice when they’re in their mother’s womb. If a woman aborts their baby, the baby has no choice but to go with it. Their whole future is demolished. I believe abortion is wrong when committing it for a selfish reason.
Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus. Some say that a fetus has the right to life, despite a woman’s opinion, while others strongly believe that a woman’s personal choice should trump all outside voices. Those who approve of abortion endorse the right of a woman to have a choice, backing the decision made in Roe v. Wade which states a woman may legally obtain an abortion under the Fourteenth Amendment under the United States Constitution. On the other hand, those who disprove of abortion claim ethical judgments relating to religion, specifically the Catholic faith. People who rebut abortion accept that a fetus has the right to live as soon as it is known to exist. Although both sides of the abortion argument have valid points, I support a woman’s right to choose because I believe a woman should have control of her own body.
What are your thoughts on abortion and adoption? Is one better than the other? Many Americans will say that adoption and abortion are the same, and it does not matter which one is chosen, because at the end of the day, the child is still gone. I disagree. Abortion is senseless when adoption is a much better option for someone in an unwanted pregnancy.
Abortion has been one of the biggest controversies of all time. However many People agree to disagree on whether abortion is a legal or illegal matter. Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy through removal of the embryo or fetus. I support abortion for the following reasons. Birth control failure, unable to support or care for a child, to prevent a child with birth defects or medical conditions, and a pregnancy in resulting from rape or incest. A woman should have the right to do what she pleases with her own body. For example, say a woman is pregnant with no desire of keeping the child and there was no clinic to help her remove the fetus. She’s most likely going to obtain matters into her own hands and figure a way to abort the fetus herself. Why put women in that situation when they have highly trained doctors who can remove the fetus using the proper tools with no harm done to the mother?
Many differences of opinion arise in regards to abortion, including the obvious “pro-life or pro-choice” question many people have defiant answers to. Abortion is a topic that most every person has a very strong, firm stance on, resulting in a worldwide debate of the matter. Differences of opinion persist within both movements. “Some pro-life activists may condone abortions in cases of rape or incest, while others take an uncompromising stance, believing that all abortion is murder” (“Abortion”). Most pro-life thinkers state that it is inhumane and immoral to abort a fetus under any circumstance, yet it is very important that the woman has the right to make her own decision based on her situation. If a woman needs to have an abortion, she
It was only three days after being born that I was flown to my new family in Illinois. If I had not been for a one woman’s unselfish decision, I would not be writing the words on this page right now. Abortion is an ethically wrong decision and option for a parent. It is illegal to take the life of another human being; by choosing to have an abortion, legally a parent is not willingly killing a human life. However, this choice is still seen as a murder to most people. Women should be forced to place their children up for adoption instead of a choice have an abortion.
Having the choice of abortion is telling women that they do not have to be responsible for their actions. The woman knows that no matter if they took all the precautions to not become pregnant, there still are chances of it happening. Abortion is just an immoral way for women to coward away from responsibility. A Census Bureau study noticed “that women who have their first child out of wedlock get less education and are more likely to be unemployed and single - even many years later - compared with other women” (Harris). Women need to realize that they made the choice of bringing a baby into their lives even if they unknowingly did. It does not matter if it is inconvenient for the woman or it would set the woman back in life. The woman needs to grow up and take care of the baby like an adult
People who oppose abortion who believe women have abortions for their own convenience belittle the trauma women go through when making this decision. Motherhood cannot be undervalued. It is a lifelong responsibility. The baby has never asked to be born so the responsibility lies with the women carrying it, to provide it with a decent life. If for whatever reason the baby is not welcome, the woman has the right to terminate the
To understand this issue we have to consider both sides: by not allowing women to have an abortion, we are taking away their right to control their bodies. Pregnancies often are unplanned and accidental and that means that a child can be conceived without planning. Raising children is a life changing experience and it’s not surprising that people might not be
Abortion rights are one of the most heatedly debates in society. There are many arguments for and against abortion. Each woman has the right to an abortion and the right to have a child. Women have the resources, rights, and respect to make reproductive health decisions that are best for themselves. (“Women’s”) We live in a free country and women should continue to have the choice to do whatever with their body, concerning women’s rights, health issues, and religious reasons.
Abortion is the ending of pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo from the womb before it can survive on its own. An abortion can also be induced which means steps are taken purposely to end the pregnancy. “Induced” abortions are legal, safe, and usually done by doctors. Almost half of all pregnancies in the United States are unplanned, which means about $1.3 million in 1996 were aborted. A woman has the ‘right’ to choose if her child lives or dies, but what about the baby? Doesn’t the baby get a say? How would a person feel if someone took away their ability to live? Women are a mother as soon as they become pregnant, how could a mother tell her child they are unwanted and should be killed? Some people think it’s all right to abort children,
Abortion is one of the most immoral things you can possibly do to another living human being. Bishop Christopher Jones of Elphin says,”Abortion is always morally wrong”(Daily Mail, 2013). “We claim that we must protect the innocent, voiceless, and powerless unborn child in the womb”(Bishop Jones, Daily Mail). Just because someone doesn't want their baby does not give them the right to choose whether or not a life is taken because
When you considered the word abortion and adoption they can bring out different feelings based on people’s perspective. Some would think that abortion is an easier choice because the mother and father do not have the responsibility for a child or for the rest of their lives. From my personal perspective, this is a very bad idea because the mother is taking a life of a child and the procedure could can hurt the women’s body, which could lead to pregnancy challenges in the future. When you discuss the word adoption, some people would consider how long the process might take but would ultimately find gratifications in the process. In several medical cases, couples chose to go through the tough process of
The choice between adoption and abortion changes millions of lives every day. Some advocates of abortion feel if the mother of the child thinks that she will not be a good parent or thinks she will harm the child, that she has the right to abort the child. Abortion is a life changing decision and has the reputation of being an easy way out of an unwanted pregnancy. Adoption, on the other hand, is one way for a woman who is not prepared to be a parent to provide her child the best life possible without being involved in the child’s life. According to national estimates, one million children in the United States live with adoptive parents and from 2% to 4% of American families include an adopted
The right to an abortion is a right that women should have. Many women face difficult situations where they find themselves needing to have an abortion. It is up to a woman to choose what is best, according to her, for her life. Modifications to one’s body is allowed, and abortion is just another modification. Women should build one another and not tear each other down by judging each other’s decisions. Women, who decide either to have an abortion, make a life-changing decision that everyone should