
Adorno And The Music Industry : Kant And Marx

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Adorno was a German philosopher, infused with the language of Kant and Marx – although they are professional philosophers they disliked the way that Adorno wrote so much about music and society. Kant and Marx also disliked his highly metaphorical and at times poetic style. However, Adornos images were not poetic in a traditional sense they were frequently modernist. The two philosophers Adorno and Max developed in the 1940s a thorough critique of mass society. Both Adorno and Horkheimer use the term “culture industry” which refers to the production of cultural goods, which signaled the essentially bad meeting of two incompatible worlds: that of culture, of high art, of the ideal impulse, and that of industry, described by the production of …show more content…

Adorno's words function like poetry because they needle thoughts on the part of individuals who seek to understand them. They do this by duplicating the contradictions present in society in the sentences themselves. In the introduction to Dialectic of Enlightenment he writes:
Even the best-intentioned reformers who use an impoverished and debased language to recommend renewal, strengthen the very power of the established order they are trying to break. (Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno Dialectic of Enlightenment, 1944; translated John Cumming, 1972; London: Verso, 1979, p. xiv)
Adorno always pays attention to conciliation; the way ideas are put across. His words might be used to critique Tony Blair's attempt to use British patriotism for social ends, or artists who think that manufacturing 'scandalous' works of anti-art will do anything but liven up the art market. Adorno also attacks consumer society for its translation of every quality into mere quantity. If everything is redeemable, nothing has any value anymore. The Dialectic of Enlightenment suggests a radical sexual politics that reports issues of domination and race with none of the concepts of the intellectual citizen that make people so impatient with 'political correctness'. Furthermore, Adorno sees sexism and racism as stemming from a messed-up morality that seeks to deny natural biology. The sex object is hated because she is a reminder that we inhabit bodies. Adorno

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