
Adrenoleukodystrophy (Movie)

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The movie is about a boy named Lorenzo who starts of as healthy or a normal child. At the age of seven abnormal things then start to happen to him: he starts having black outs, memory delays and other strange perceptual phenomenons. The parents then sent him to the doctors who ran tests on the boy. The doctors discovered that he was suffering from an extremely rare incurable degenerative nervous system disorder. There was no cure for the disease and doctors told the parents he will become disabled and will die in a few years and they should, make Lorenzo’s last days comfortable. The parents (Michaela and Augusto) frustrated by the doctor’s failings and Lorenzo’s diagnosis, they decided to do research on the adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) disorder even though they did not have scientific nor medical background. …show more content…

Nolte's Augusto became the family's researcher, and started visiting the medical library frequently and was seen wearing slippers as he studied, scouring every single paper and book about the

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