
Adult Attachment Styles

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Attachment research has predominately thought of attachment as a single personality trait constant across relationships. Early research on adult attachment was based on the thought that individual differences were categorical and that people fell into one of several different attachment styles, such as secure, avoidant, or anxious-ambivalent. Although the categorical model continues to guide much of attachment research, it is now challenged by the dimensional model of adult attachment styles. The current study uses modern taxometric methods to compare the two models to see if adults have a categorical attachment style or a dimensional attachment style. The Experiences in Close Relationships-Relationships Structure Questionnaire (ECR-RS) was used to measure attachment in a variety of relationship type including parental, romantic partners, and nonromantic best friends. The ECR-RS was also used to assess general attachment styles. Participants were recruited online, and two samples were collects for both exploratory and conformity …show more content…

With the MAXCOV program covariance between two indicators are examined to see if they are a function of a third factor. The study examined if the characteristic of relationship avoidance is more compatible with a categorical model verse a dimensional model. Six items on the ECR-RS were used to assess global avoidance. The MAXCOV curve indicated avoidance better fit with a dimensional model than a categorical model. The study then examined relationship anxiety, three items on the ECR-RS were used to assess global anxiety. As with avoidance the data is better predicted by the dimensional model in comparison to the categorical model. Separate taxometric analyses was performed for indicators of avoidance and anxiety within each of the four relationship domains. The data indicated all four domains were better explained with the dimensional

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