
Essay On Adult Day Care Center

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Adult Day Care Centers Naomi Noel University of the Rockies Abstract Adult day cares have not received the acclaim due. They are an invaluable part of the communities that they serve. They incorporate succinct mission statements to effectively get their point across while also employing a wide range of professionals to better serve their clientele. The utilize needs based assessment tools for enrollment as well as needs assessment surveys to gather information from the surrounding community. The chain of command is laid out so that ethical guidelines can easily be established and appropriately enforced. They also referrals to agencies better equipped to handle particular situations in order to better serve …show more content…

It also provides the basis for judging the success of the organization and is capable of attracting donors and volunteers while simultaneously encouraging community involvement. Your mission statement embraces the reasons your practice exists (besides just making a living for you and your staff), the core values your organization shares and expresses through its work, how you serve your key stakeholders, and your overarching (sometimes idealistic) goals. (Urology Times, 2011) The mission statement of the adult day care center created for this paper would read as follows: To provide a secure and nurturing environment for clients who need social environment, consistent supervision and loving assistance. This mission statement sums up the goals for the center in a concise manner while offering reassurance to the client’s primary caregivers. The list of professionals necessary for organizational success includes licensed nurses, certified nursing assistants, a certified nutritionist, a physical therapist and an occupational therapist. These employees are the ones who would be required to have a degree, licensure or certification in their respective areas. This does not include staff such as receptionists and bookkeeping. The licensed nurses would be responsible for the overall day-to-day operation of the center and particularly ensuring that the center is operating according to state

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