
Adult Learning Contract

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Adult Learning Contracts Adult learning contracts are becoming prevalent in higher education institution. Adult learners view learning as task and solving problems. By utilizing learning contracts, the adult learner can becomes actively involved in their learning journey. This paper will evaluate the learning contract, the pros and cons of implementing learning contracts and the ways in which organizations can address diversity with these contrasts. Learning contracts give the adult learner the opportunity to control his or her own learning and academic to their own educational experience. Learning Contracts A learning contract is just a different method of presenting educational knowledge. It takes the place of content learning and replaces …show more content…

Learning contracts require a considerable amount of time to produce. Composers have to design them with great details and they have to be revised when being developed. Contracts can also be confusing if the student has not had any prior experience dealing with contract learning. If students are only exposed to teacher-led learning or have not been taught to become self-sufficient learners, then students will encounter difficulties with the change. The learning contract for younger students is teacher-led instruction whereas the learning contract for adult students is more student-led instruction. The success of the learning contract depends on how the educator view the idea of contracts. Some educators are have not yet adapted to change. Losing control of their classroom is a change some educators are comfortable to …show more content…

Adults need to know why the information is important; adults need to experiment; adults like to learn by solving problems or tasks; adults learn when the information is readily usable; and adults need to use the new skills in conjunction with prior knowledge. Contract learning in the proper vehicle to promote self-direction. Learning contracts have to exhibit fairness to all students. Traditionally, all students received a universal syllabus and with details on how to receive grades. However, learning contracts are uniquely designed for the individual learner. The grades may be the same for all students, but will the content taught be the

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