
Adults Crave Literacy Essay

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In today’s world, there are a numerous amount of issues that plague our society. Ones that range from obesity to economic issues. A certain problem that is highly talked about, but left in the dark is the problem of illiteracy. Illiteracy is the lack of the ability to comprehend or make sense of knowledge. A deeper look into America’s adult illiteracy problem reveals what we need to change, how we should change these problems and how we can get ahead of this competitive world race for education. In a race for the best education system in the world, the US is falling behind. Just by watching the news, we can see how individuals worldwide are making headlines. Whenever we think of the people throughout the world that …show more content…

These pushouts are students that have graduated high school but have not met the requirements of a graduating senior. Their comprehension and reading levels are those of an underclassman. It is estimated that about 15% of high school graduates read at less than a sixth grade level (Kozal 1). Experts have observed that the elementary grades are the most crucial, as the formative stage of a child’s life (Johnson 7). From an earlier psychology class, I have learned that reinforcement of good habits start at a young age. So tightening up the curriculum at the elementary and middle school level will put out kids with hungry minds, willing to explore the world. In addition to the lack of schooling, there is an socioeconomic situation that kids mature into. Illiteracy is in part a socioeconomic problem and always has been (Johnson 7). In this section of his work, Johnson explains how parents from the middle class are more likely to push their kids to read more and focus on school. This goes back to how young children learn by example. When younger kids see their parents or role models doing something beneficial, they want to copy them or try to be like them. For example, Johnson states that when the more formal schooling starts, the parents of middle class kids tend to play an active role in their academics (Johnson 7). Whereas, parents in the poverty fall short of these skills. This falling short of skills leads to the transmission of illiteracy and

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