
Advanced Placement Computer Science

Decent Essays

There comes a point in a person's life when they have to cooperate with others on a group project. The people you work with might not have the same point of view as you or the same work ethic. This a part of life that a person has to deal with sooner or later. Being a lone wolf is simply not enough in today's society. In Advanced Placement Computer Science, most of the assignments that a student does involves just him/her and the computer. This type of classwork is what I enjoy the most. But once or twice each six weeks the instructor assigns student group projects. The group projects are meant to be engaging and challenging. Even though I am a lone wolf, I am willing to conform my specialties to make the group successful. The traits and skills I can bring to the table depends on the people that I am working with. The assignment that I can remember the most tested two very important abilities. The objective of the project …show more content…

Each of our personalities complemented each other well, and were very diligent. Furthermore, we were intelligent in our own special ways. As to be expected, multiple intellectuals in one group tend to cause more problems than were needed. The first sign of trouble is when the group had to assign roles, and each of us wanted to design the window where the user would type in a message that they wanted to encode. This was the most difficult part of the project, and each of us had little to no experience with Graphic User Interfaces. This was a chance to gain a new skill and every member wanted this opportunity. So I, having a great sense of humility and a knack of creating mutually beneficial compromises, came up with a great solution. I let my two partners work on the window, while I created the hard code that did the actual encoding and decoding. Both parties benefitted from the solution, peace was made, and we were able to move on to the next

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