Advanced Practice Nurses play an important role as innovators who can help shape school policies across the nation. APNs need to know how the school system works so they can contribute in formulating school policies aimed at keeping school children physically active. APNs need to collaborate with parents, school officials and the community to direct activities that have the greatest positive impact on school-aged
Nurse practitioners are advanced practice registered nurses who have received special courses and training. They usually work closely with doctors and can perform many high-level primary care tasks. They often specialize in specific types of practice such as pediatrics, psychiatry, or obstetrics. Some establish private practices; however, most work in doctors' offices, hospitals, or neighborhood health centers. Their duties often include taking detailed medical histories and performing complete physical exams, providing diagnoses and recommending treatment plans, treating common medical conditions, illnesses, and injuries, prescribing limited medications, and counseling patients and families. They also care
The medical field has to be ran by the utmost wonderful nurses. Nurse Practitioners (NP) are Advanced Practice Registered Nurses who provide care to patients throughout the lifespan, all the way from premature newborns to the elderly. Physician Assistants (PA) practice medicine on a team under the supervision of physicians and surgeons. A nurse practitioner has a more rewarding career then a physician assistant because of the education requirements, commission, job abilities, training and advancements in career.
My name is Leonardo Mastache, of Cuban origins, and I have been a nurse for exactly ten years. Most of my work have been in medical surgical and telemetry. About eight years ago I relocated from the crowded city of Miami to Naples, Florida, which I find to be a pleasant place to live in. Here I work at Naples Community Hospital (NCH), and recently transferred to an oncology unit to gain some understanding of how to work with patients that have been diagnosed with different types of cancer.
Mission: One church, one heart one purpose advancing health awareness and providing people with tools to take responsibility for their health through early detection and prevention. The project is a public health intervention event with interactive and educational information with screenings and basic preventive medicine for the community.
Mosby’s medical dictionary defines an advanced practice nurse as “a registered nurse having education beyond the basic nursing education and certified by a nationally recognized professional organization in a nursing specialty, or meeting other criteria established by a Board of Nursing. The Board of Nursing establishes rules specifying which professional nursing organization certifications can be recognized for advanced practice nurses and sets requirements of education, training, and experience. Designations recognized as advanced practice nursing include certified nurse-midwife, certified registered nurse anesthetist, clinical nurse specialist, nurse
The American Association of Colleges of Nursing has identified nine essentials that are incorporated into master’s nursing programs to help direct the practice of advanced practice nurses (APN’s). Essential II outlines how an APN can utilize organizational and systems leadership to promote safer and more cost effective care. By incorporating effective leadership skills, APN’s can help transform healthcare and make quality improvements for the patient, the institution, and the community. According to the American Association of College of Nursing (2011), an effective leader assumes and applies “the skills of communication, collaboration, negotiation, delegation, and coordination” (p. 11). APN’s must be able to establish and maintain a healthy
Dear LMU MSN Admissions Committee: Family Nurse Practitioner Personal Statement Becoming a Nurse Practitioner through Lincoln Memorial University will provide a lifelong career that has meaning and value to me. My most important role as a nurse practitioner will be patient advocate. My approach to medicine will be to look at things from a patient’s point of view and then apply my medical knowledge to it to discern different treatment options. I want to strive to perform sound medicine while keeping an open mind in regard to new or different approaches that are ever-emerging. My goal will be to help patients navigate through the ups and downs of life while offering an attentive ear, a compassionate heart, and a knowledgeable mind.
As the needs of the populace prompt greater numbers of advanced nurse practitioners, the role and scope of practice for these nurses have broadened and converged to form an inclusive definition that works to advance the whole of nursing practice. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), and the Advanced Practice Registered Nursing (APRN) consensus model, provide two definitions of the APN that showcase similarities and differences. Furthermore, the definition of the APN as presented in Advanced Practice Nursing: An Integrative Approach, by Hamric, Hansen, Tracy, & OGrady (2014), provides yet another consideration of what it means to be an APN. Each entity recognizes four specialties as part of advanced practice nursing: the nurse anesthetist, the nurse midwife, the nurse practitioner, and the clinical nurse specialist.
The national league for nurses defines critical thinking in the nursing process as “a discipline specific, reflective reasoning process that guides a nurse in generating, implementing, and evaluating approaches for dealing with client care and professional concerns” (Kozier, 2008). This definition is imperative to help a nursing student learn how to think in terms of nursing care. Nursing students must achieve a comprehensive understanding of critical thinking in order to understand the nursing process. The purpose for this paper is for nursing students to learn how to use the nursing process, how to properly document their findings and assessments, and correctly implement APA formatting in a formal paper.
That is another great post from you. Your nursing intervention is very interesting. It is always prudent to do the non-invasive and non-pharmalogical interventions before trying the other alternatives, however how effective is the non-pharmacological intervention in managing pain in patients experiencing severe pains from trauma or major injury? As you said this intervention will take a longer time compare to push meds. Thanks for
The health care industry is experiencing a surge in the number of baby-boomers needing health care and increased demands on the physicians providing the care. This trend has made the role of Advanced practice providers more important (cite). It is imperative to understand the differences and similarities in the advanced practice provider roles as it pertains to healthcare. This paper will identify specialty nursing roles including advanced practice registered nurses (APRN). It will further compare and contrast the advanced practice nurse (APN) and physician assistant (PA) roles in practice.
The profession of nursing includes: promoting health, preventing illness, as well as providing care. NUR 102 teaches student nurses, like myself, a wide range of information and knowledge needed in order to become a successful nurse and also aids in the preparation for clinical placement. Nonetheless, this course teaches essay writing, critical thinking, nursing theories, as well as the roles and responsibilities that I will have as a nurse.
Bennett (2016) documents that new technologies, social media, changing measures of impact, easy access journals have influenced the way advanced practice nurses incorporate evidence-based research into their clinical practice. Stevens (2015) notes that clinical practice guidelines offer regulation in decision making relating to diagnosis, supervision, and treatment in particular areas of health care. Advanced practice nurses play a vital role in the evaluation and creation of an always-expanding evidence base and are of growing significance in aging societies with a high frequency of disease comorbidities, such as kidney disease.
The purpose of education and learning is to gain awareness and insight about the society and get the knowledge about dealing with ups and downs of life. The best purpose of education and knowledge is achieved when it is used for the betterment of the community and the general public. I am of the view that the education of the person should make him/her a better human being and citizen, and the person should use his/ her education to provide more and more benefit to the humanity. Practical nursing is the field that allows the graduates to work for the betterment of the community as well as the general public, which is the main reason I have developed an increased interest in the nursing field and becoming a practical nurse. After realizing the field of interest and passion in life, the most important thing is to finalize the institute and organization that can play an important role
According to the Arslanian, Hicks, Whall and Algase (2005) nursing theories have unique views. Advanced Practice Nurses (APN) not only focus on diagnosis and medical intervention but also considers family, environment and patient responses in their plan of care. This makes them different from other health care providers like physicians and physicians assistants (Arslanian et al., 2005). I agree that it is important for us as an APN to use theories to guide our own advanced practice because theory gives identification to nurses, and distinguishes nurses from other profession by its unique contribution to the clinical practice. Nursing is an autonomous profession (Kenny, 2013). Nursing theory provides various information to understand the patient