
Advantages And Benefits Of Online Marketing

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In the era of globalization internet plays a vital role in all spheres of life and industries. Online marketing, which is also called internet marketing, involves use of interactive, virtual spaces for the sake of promoting and selling goods and services. In fact, new synchronous, internet-based communication technologies had contributed to the restructuration of major economic sectors including marketing. Being cost-effective, flexible, and fast and enjoying an on unprecedented global reach, internet marketing has brought about different businesses incredible gains. However, this effective, new method also involves its special disadvantages, e.g. lack of personal contact, security and privacy, etc which should be taken account for. The present study, then, concentrates upon the impacts of …show more content…

To understand the importance of Online Marketing. ii. To understand the importance of Online advertising in changing market scenario. iii. To understand the reasons for growing popularity of online marketing. iv. To analyze the effectiveness of online marketing as compared to traditional marketing tools.
v. To identify the advantages and limitations of online marketing.

The methodology uses descriptive research design. Data is collected from secondary sources. Secondary data provides necessary theoretical back up to the study which is collected from published or unpublished sources. On the other hand for the exploration of concepts , various books and case studies were referred .
The consumers in today’s era have not only many stores choice, but they also have a wide variety of channels to choose from. With the start of numerous channels (e.g. Mobile Commerce, E-Commerce) and a continuous increase in the competition among channels, the understanding of what incites consumers to purchase from one channel rather than another becomes progressively important channel design and

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