
Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Minority Group

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No matter who you are, where you came from, or how old you are, everyone is in a minority group. A minority group is a group that experiences a pattern of disadvantages or inequality, has a visible identifying trait, and is a self-conscious social unit. People with disabilities are a minority group because of their disadvantages and visible characteristic. For example, a child with down syndrome, autism, nonverbal learning disorder, and cerebral palsy will be put in a separate class and area of the school because they are not like the other students. As a person who has first handily seen what they do in school, they are definitely a minority group. They are treated differently by being stuck in one class all day and they aren’t really being taught like the other “normal” students. This disadvantage goes on into these people with disabilities adulthood as well. It harder for them to find jobs, if they are able to work. They are sometimes treated as less because people may feel like they cannot do certain things. They are basically treated as less because people automatically underestimate them because of the disability they are born with Everyone’s membership of a minority group is usually determined at birth, so another classified minority group is race. Each race shows different visible traits by the color of their skin, their hair colors and textures, and even the way their body structures are made. With everyone automatically put in these minority groups when born and they culture that people share in these groups, this tends to lead people to form intimate relations within their groups. They show similarities and common behaviors, which can spark an attraction between two people. A common inequality they people feel nowadays are the visible differences between Caucasian and African American minority groups. With the whole black lives matter (African American minority group) and blue lives matter (the white minority group) situation going on, the two minority groups feel they that one group is being shown more equality than the other. When it comes to the separation of males and females, I most definitely think that they are two different minority groups. In the early years of the 1900s, women did not

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