
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Benzofuran

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• INTRODUCTION: The metal chelates of various ligands play pivotal role in many important medicinal applications. They also useful for metal extraction and detection. The present aspect is context to the novel heterocyclic ligand containing .pharmaceutica active segments like benzofuran, 1,3,4-oxadiazoe and p-amino salicylic acid as ligand. So the literbture review is as follow:

• LITERATURE REVIEW: Chelating agents, because of their metal specificity or selectivity, can function as good flotaids and selective flocculants. In addition to the metal selectivity, chelating agents offer certain advantages over conventional mineral processing reagents even from the synthesis point of view. With the major donor .atoms-S, N, 0 and, to some extent, P-numerous possibilities exist to tailor make reagents for specific applications.[1-3] For polymers the backbone offers further possibilities for the incorporation of the required properties. In general, the choice of a chelating agent or a group is made on the basis of its function in well-known analytical metal separations. Such a choice is limited in that the number of well-known …show more content…

• Objectives:
a. The objectives of the proposed work are To synthesis : and characterize benzofuran-1-;3,4-oxadiazole-p-amno salicylic acid ligands.
b. To prepare the metal, chelates of above ligands and stheir characterization

Following work will be carry out
• Synthesis of Benzofuran-1,3,4-oxadiazole derivative
• The Mannich reaction of above derivative with p-aminosalicylic acid
• Characterization of all the derivatives.
• The transition metal chelates preparation and characterization by metal:ligand ratio, spectral study and magnetic properties.
• Testing of microbicidal

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