
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Bio Composites

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Abstract—The Report contains basic details of Bio-Composites, its types and uses.
Bio composite (bio from Greek 'alive') is a composite material formed by a matrix (resin) and a reinforcement of natural fibers. These kinds of materials often mimic the structure of the living materials involved in the process keeping the strengthening properties of the matrix that was used, but always providing biocompatibility. The matrix phase is formed by polymers derived from renewable and nonrenewable resources. The matrix is important to protect the fibers from environmental degradation and mechanical damage, to hold the fibers together and to transfer the loads on it. The commonly used fibers are from crops (cotton, flax or hemp), recycled wood, waste paper, crop processing byproducts or regenerated cellulose fiber (viscose/rayon).

1. Hydroxyapatite (HA):

Properties: …show more content…

These may be classified into two categories according to the types of reinforcement used: (i) particle or short fibers and (ii) continuous fibers. For continuous fiber reinforced bio-composites, woven fabric preforms processed from natural fibers have been introduced as the reinforcements. Fabrication of laminated composite with four layers of jute woven fabrics has been done. Prior to their impregnation in the resin matrix, the jute fabrics were treated with alkali in the biaxial tensile stress state. A significant improvement of the mechanical stiffness was achieved in the composite with the fibers treated with alkali under applied stress.
The two main drawbacks of presently developed bio-composites from its rival glass fiber composites are: poor moisture resistance and low impact strength. Recent research results show that there is some large lays either in pre-treatment of the fibers, engineering of fibers or in improving the chemistry while impregnating the fibers with the matrix

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