
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Bio Warfare

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1. INTRODUCTION Disasters are sudden, unpredictable, calamitous event, bringing great damage and devastation to life and property. Disasters can be Natural like earth quake, land slide, tsunami, cyclones, flood or drought and major accidents. It can also be man-made like war and terrorism, both in war and terrorism chemical, biological or radiological agent can be used. In any of these situations, significant social, environmental and economical impact would occur. Casualties following disasters, and major accidents could escalate very rapidly if necessary preventive methods are not followed. Infectious disease disasters consist of biological attack, emerging infectious disease outbreaks, and pandemics. There are a broad range of potential biological agents, including bacteria, viruses, and toxins (of microbial, plant, or animal origin) used as bio warfare or bioterrorism. Bio warfare has the potential to result in high morbidity and mortality, because aerosolized biological agents can infect or kill many people in a short period of time. 1.1 Biological Warfare (BW) Biological warfare or bio warfare is the use of biological …show more content…

Pathogens are pervasive in nature and can be found everywhere. The possibility of synthesizing pathogens particularly viruses, using technologies are inexpensive and globally available. The skills and equipment for making a biological weapon are largely the same as those required for progress in medicine, agriculture, and other fields and are required for future economic prosperity for the nation, so they cannot be locked away. Public health, medical, military, and law enforcement experts have met in a number of settings in efforts to identify the most threatening of the biological weapons, specifically those weapons that merit priority concern in the development of public health and medical preparedness

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