
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cell Phones In School

Decent Essays

Should cell phones or mobile devices be allowed during school hours or through out different classes. Cell phones are not good for students or for teacher to have to deal with while they are trying to do their job and teach. Most kids should be able to go each day without their phones till they get home from school and are allowed then to get on their phones. Most kids do not even have phones to take to school or to look forward to getting on when they get home from school. Schools all over the world have trouble with students and their cell phones or mobile devices. Students should not be allowed to have their phones out during school hours for any use unless they are maybe outside at break or on the bus ramp waiting patiently to go home. …show more content…

Students are so sneaky these days. They think that they can get by with anything. but they can not. They can get caught easily. One way that students can be sneaky and cheat is an app called Google. Some people choose to use Safari but to me it is about the same exact thing. They both will look up anything that you ask or are looking for. There are even pictures of answer keys on these sites to different work pages that the teachers print off for students to do and turn in. That automatically is cheating because the students who are doing this are not learning anything. Also there is a calculator app. Almost every phone has one but if not you can download it. Some teachers allow their students to use calculators but not all of them do. Another way students can cheat is by having access to another student that is in that same class. They can send the answers to each other during class. Its not fair because the students who cheat are not learning anything and they have it easy while the other student who is doing all the work has no help and has to study extra hard to be able to know the answers on work. Also students who sit really close to each other have a chance of cheating. It is best to separate students as much as possible. This is the main reason why I think students should not be able to have their phones out at school.

The last reason why

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