
Cucumbers Make Up Research Paper

Decent Essays

As you get older, your skin ntaurally becomes less elastic and more fragile. Decreased production of natural oils dries your skin and makes it appear more wrinkled. Fat in the deeper layers of your skin diminishes. This causes loose, saggy skin and more-pronounced lines and crevices. You don’t have to spend too much money on plastic surgeries or expensive body creams. These all natural remedies will help you tighten your skin in very short period of time.


When searching for tips on how to tighten loose skin on the face, we always seem to come across images with cucumbers over eyes. There is a pretty solid reason behind this trend – cucumbers can do wonders for your skin. In addition to being super healthy to consume orally, cucumbers …show more content…

You will get firm neck, eyes, brows, and cheeks.

Vitamin C & Vitamin E

Like we mentioned when speaking about strawberries, vitamin C is excellent for tightening your skin. You can consume lots of fruits and veggies with vitamin C or use them topically by crushing the ingredients for masks. As far as vitamin E is concerned, it’s no wonder why so many skin care products contain it – the effects are amazing. A natural alternative to store-bought products is coconut oil, which you can directly use on your skin for lovely results.


Drinking enough water is the best natural method for firming up skin, as it will effectively moisturize, firm, tighten, and hydrate the skin, and also help to flush out toxins from body. It is obvious that keeping your body hydrated is crucial to your skin looking great. Drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of water daily.

Facial …show more content…

Healthy Foods

The skin shows all imbalances in the body, so you will also fix skin issues if you start from the inside out. You should consume foods rich in vitamins, and minerals, and avoid processed foods and foods high in sugar.

Natural Oils

Natural oils are beneficial in the case of loose skin, and the best ones include avocado oil, grape seed oil, and jojoba oil. Start using these natural oils regularly, and they work in synergy with other beneficial ingredients, such as Shea butter and vitamin E. Numerous of these natural tightening oils are added to expensive skin firming creams and

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