
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Digital Information Technology And Digital Multimedia Data

Satisfactory Essays

Chapter: 1
Introduction & Literature Survey
In today’s world, recent information technology is mostly based on digital multimedia data. Compared with analog data, digital data has many advantages. Digital media is a huge time saver, which produces lots of digital data in very short time. Computers help transforming analog data into digital forms before storing and/or processing. Computers perform digital computations; they can only work with digital media. Therefore, all analog audio or video media must be converted to digital to work on a computer. In the mean while, the internet develops very fast and hence becomes an important medium for digital data transmission. Computers and the internet are the major communication [4] media that connect …show more content…

With the rapid full age of networking, transfers the data all over globally in various fields. Digital multimedia consists of audio, video and an image. In many ways digital media is different from analog recorded media. The unique ability of digital media is to easily create, transmit and easily copy the digital media. Also it can be stored, downloaded, streamed on media such as CD or DVD. Digital multimedia used in various fields like Medical, Entertainment, Military, Education, Industries, and also in research field. The capabilities of digital multimedia [2] joined with reducing computer cost, higher bandwidth, easier to use technology, and increase in use of education during the last five years. It becomes easier to copy, edit, and transmit the digital data via internet then problem of threats will be faced. As world is more connected by networking, use of electronics services also increases. So In order to protect the data via communication and in computer from unauthorized users, modifications, faithful data storage and transmission is needed. Users of network all around the world increases rapidly. The reproduction, manipulation and the distribution of digital multimedia (images, audio and video) via networks become faster and easier. If the transmitted data via network is confidential, it is convenient as well for some malicious users to illegally copy, destroy, or change them on …show more content…

It hides the encoded message. This system uses plain text as input and produces cipher text using encryption key.
In the above cryptographic system, secret data which has to be send known as plain text. Encryption algorithm along with secret key applied to the plain text. It will become Encrypted message, known as cipher text. To recover the original data decryption algorithm is applied along with secret key.
Basic requirements of a Cryptographic system are:
1. Authentication: Authentication provides identity to the recipient. Cryptography [1]can also provide authentication for verifying the identity of someone. In traditional digital network communication, a sophisticated checksum, usually known as hash or message digest, is used to authenticate whether the content has been altered or not. The checksum is encrypted using such cryptographic techniques as public-key encryption to ensure that the checksum cannot be generated or manipulated by unauthorized persons. This is known as digital signature in cryptography.
2. Privacy/Confidentiality: Ensuring that the data is not reaching any unintended recipient.
3. Integrity: Ensuring that the recipient is able to extract the content of the decrypt the message in its original

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