Eco trans project is running behind the schedule, the project can evaluate the project and identify the tasks that can be performed in parallel. Using waterfall methodology cannot help them much as they needed to wait for one phase to complete to start the other phase also the requirements are defined in advance and there won’t many chances to adapt to the changes. With the Stakeholder has frequent and chances to see the project being delivered, and to make decisions and changes throughout the project if required. Eco Trans project found the defects at the end. If they have practiced agile, their testing at all stages would help mitigate the risk of finding defects at the end. Eco trans project team by practicing agile would have evaluated
From the moment the project started, the SRT’s Transportation Department Training Manager – Mark Osborne – was not at home with the timing of end user training. To him, the training occurred to late in the project plan. The locomotive engineers also felt that they were being excluded in the project and vowed to boycott the operation of the locomotives up on project completion. Intra-team resistance is always there. For instance, Varga expressed concerns that the locomotive engineers have been resisting the project from the beginning. They are resistors of change claiming that the improvements would mount more responsibilities on them. Looking at their complaints carefully, their reaction is partially justifiable.
Another business requirement is the timely delivery of quality modules and equipment by the suppliers. The main task of the project team is to install the modules and equipment on the trains. It is therefore essential that the products are procured in good time. It is the task of ECO-Trans to ensure that quality equipment is delivered in time for the completion of the project. The delivered components should be inspected for quality at the time of delivery to ensure they match the client’s quality needs and recommendations (Burke, 2013). Any defective components should be noted and returned to the supplier. This would help
For the case 1, replacing aging air traffic system, I completely agree with the waterfall approach. Since this is considered a large project which would involve multiple vendors' contribution to the project, waterfall method seems be the right fit. In addition, I agree with the fact that the whole project will be in hands of the project manager. Therefore, success or failure of the project would fall on the project manager. Due to my limited knowledge on air traffic system, I assume such project would involve proper defined requirements, designs, implementations, and testing since safety of passengers are at stake. Therefore, any hiccups throughout the project would come back to the project manager. I also agree with your point
Peter I is well renowned as one of the most remarkable leaders of Russia for his accomplishments and the legacy he left behind. To name a few, Peter established a new capitol, St. Petersburg, and “profoundly transformed Russian culture,” both of which have remained significant through present day (Bushkovitch 79). A great deal of proceeding emperors and empresses carried on Peter’s legacy, however, an assorted few did not. Regarding those who extended Peter’s legacy, Catherine II is one a large number may consider, whom of which did not have any claim to the throne at all. Anna, on the other hand, failed to inspire Russia in the ways that Peter and Catherine II had.
Produce an environmental audit, and report assessing the potential environmental impact of the proposed project on the local Natural Environment.
From the list above, it is easy to comprehend the failure points in a project. Factors like changing objectives, technology change, and top management change, when not handled appropriately, could lead to new issues in the project which could then hinder the progress already made by the team. Factors like poor planning, inadequate project management, and unrealistic deadlines can provide false expectations to team members. Proper planning is of prime importance as it is the first step towards successful completion of any project. Having multiple vendors and stakeholders needs a team skilled in people management and engagement to ensure that all vendors and stakeholders are informed of all changes.
Focus is kept on the recurrence of condensed work cycles and also at the functional product yielded by the outcome, but in waterfall technique only once chance is been given to the development team to keep the project aspects right. But under the agile technique each and every feature of development including the design, requirements, is thoroughly checked under its lifecycle (Mahfuj et al, 2012). There is always some time to steer in another direction if a team stops at regular interval say after every two weeks and re-evaluates the project done.
Sustainability, which is the definition of “the process of using, conserving and enhancing a community’s resources”, plays a significant part in large engineering projects such as EastLink. EastLink’s long-term goal is to provide a fast, lasting alternative for drivers to commute between eastern suburbs. For a project that had a final total cost of $2.5B, sustainability, that is ensuring that its relevance and usefulness to the society today and for the foreseeable future is a pivotal part of EastLink. Permanent projects that demand large commitment and resources are the ones that need to heed the concept of sustainability the most, as often there is no going back once construction of such a project has begun. Just like it is with
Several adaptations to the traditional approaches like agile, interactive, phased, extreme, etc have been made but each will be expected to meet the requirements of the project objectives, timeline, resources, and deliveries of the stakeholders. Other industry standard certifications like ISO9000 and regulations like the Sarbanes-Oxley have also influenced methodologies and processes used by several organisations (Kerzner, 2003). Generally, managing projects should involved five major process which include the project initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, and then project closing. See Fig. 2 below.
powers of rulers, yet proportionately balance and distribute the wealth, power, and responsible freedom between them all.
The project team must comply with their project managers (and the timeline) or else there can be delays leading to the issues mentioned above.
According to Martinez (2007), an effective CTE program that is implemented in a district school is rooted in the evolving philosophical constructs which give meaning and direction to the education practice. Therefore, educational philosophies provide a set of values which serve as guidelines for program and curriculum construction, evaluation selection of instructional practices, and policy development (Martinez, 2007 p. 72). A successful implemented CTE program must have accepted principles and should present new and evolving principles that aid in keeping the CTE program viable.
Project Stakeholder Management is under the 13.0 project knowledge area and entails four management process groups. The process groups are (1) Initial Planning, (2) Planning, (3) Executing, and (4) Monitoring and Controlling. What is important to note is without proper management of stakeholders, the probability of project failures are high. Additionally, the risk to a project being completed successfully also goes up.
(b) How might you determine whether the pre-recorded music compact discs and MP3 music players are in competition with each other?
Project Execution and Control Phase has a direct correlation to project progress and stakeholder 's expectations. If the minor issues are not noticed, they impact cost, schedule and risk and see the project from the Project Plan, thus